Article created:- | November 3, 2020 12:51 pm |
Last modified:- | October 1, 2021 1:52 pm |
Written by:- MJS
Are a fluttering twittering mess of words, all randomly thrown together, only primarily constructed: to then apparently make sense to the refined mind only.
As all the rest of the mindless animals cluck chirp and chitter loudly amongst themselves, as they simply walk on by.
This is a fluttering twittering mess of coloured words, with black white and red used in them, (or white black and red used in them if you like), this is a racist comment.
If you stay here, are you open minded?
Or simply responsive to constructed words.
Is that a slight?
Or an insult?
Or perhaps it’s just a mere compliment, cleverly constructed by an animal trainer.
Or maybe, the words are just a straightforward racist slur.
Or just perhaps, the construct, is political correctness used to score racist points.
Consider this-
It’s never about dee’ red-neck-white-trash cracker jacks’ verses the niggers.
It’s all about dem’ white-niggers dats’ reading dis’ here black-trash.
And it’s all how you just read, (the first line above.)
Are we all just playing the white man:-
Whilst looking for the nigger in the wood pile just to make sense of it all? – Or perhaps you’re just trying to expose a red neck cracker in a flour mill, ..
Which term above is acceptable?
Either way: the sentiment of both statements is true.
Because we are all honest upstanding folk, just looking to root out the cause of (all) evil, and then protect our loved ones from it.
So it follows: if that statement, is in fact true, ..
Then the right black and white (ARGUMENT) laid out above, describes you to a tee, and with your own politically correct black and white view of the world still intact, .. (white and black.)
Or is it all just a racist slur on your own color blind honest character, because you consider yourself to be upstanding, and not the sort to hide in amongst the invisible logs of ignorance, or perhaps not even the type to step back into the clouds of white hot confusion.
Stand firm, (or lay down), your choice, but either way: you actually make a racist statement, no matter what side you take on the black and white argument.
(No one ever said that philosophy was easy.)
But who damn well cares anyway?
Well! – (You) obviously do.
Because, .. (you), my dear union loving black white and yellow person, are still here: chewing over the white and black facts of a red neck cracker, whilst completely missing the wood pile.
Displaying the minor little kiddies here, who are subservient to the sub-post:-
[ To prose, or not to be – that is the question ]
Which is a posting that is technical the official Auntie.
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