The Human Triluminary Condition

Article created:- January 11, 2023 4:43 pm
Last modified:-

Written by:- MJS

A 3 part breakdown of humanity.

The (First-thing) that mankind does extremely well, (is breed), like bunny rabbits.

The (Second-thing), is exploit their surroundings.
Clear the land, build our houses, build up our grazing herds — whilst also killing off the vermin that would prey on our young, livestock and profits (that practically guarantee our old-age-pensions), having lots of kids; doubly so.

The (Third-thing) we do very well, is take-over and suppress any weaker neighbors, that could, (theoretically), prey on our young, livestock and profits.

Logic: a strong society will constantly feel the need to protect it’s own perceived weak boundaries.

Logic: forcefully expanding, will also improve their own safety (and also increase their wealth.)

In this situation, the powerful victors will then view the repressed population(s) as inferior sub-humans.

After all, the victors did overthrow the corrupt rulers of their clearly inferior society.
An inferior society, who are now merely beasts of burden and draft animals, to do with them as they will.
Buy sell or kill, it matters little.
We own them, they are our subordinates, they are our plaything slaves.

The third rule proves that we are natural slavers, ..
** Who here hasn’t ever thought about total domination over another human being: be fucking honest!

Also, — the slavery statement is actually proven by examining our own cruel barbaric history.

Every human society, (ever formed), all attacked their neighbors for protection, and also the gain that goes with it.
Neighbor (state) takeovers, .. are a win-win policy, that all civilized groups and larger societies eventually pursue.

If the righteous takeover is done by a perceived stronger neighbor state: then a preemptive strike is needed to suppress the evil country from enslaving us. We must protect ourselves from the horde, we must kill and destroy them first, and if we can make a few bucks on the way; by flogging off our captives, then so be it, but at least we’ve neutralized the foreign threat.

** Note: slavery isn’t new, nor has it anything to do with the poor oppressed Africans in the 1700s.
The profitable and lucrative practice has been going on since time armorial, the Jews were (apparently) enslaved to the Egyptians.
The Moors, or the blackamoors as they were commonly called, worked in the trade from 711AD right through to the middle of the 1800s, and those jolly caring folk took anyone they could catch: including the Irish.

The Vikings took slaves, but politely called them bondsmen. Rome was literally built on the blood sweat and tears of it’s thousands of slaves, and they collectively snatched up anyone that wasn’t classed as a Roman citizen, because they classed everyone else as a barbarian and stranger, (to be distrusted).

Much like the Japanese still do today, in meeting one of those inscrutable folks, you will be greeted by the term Gaijin, which literally means white stranger, ..
(Gai = white: jin = stranger), ..
So what do you think Kokujin (pronounced as Coco – jin) actually means?

This fear of foreign strangers, is instinctively bred from mankind’s fear of living in our own wild untamed surrounds; which is a thin veiled boundary that threatens us at every turn, and over time; we have truly become xenophobic in nature.

Xenophobia (from Ancient Greek)

ξένος (xénos) ‘strange, foreign, alien’
** which is combined with:-
φόβος (phóbos) ‘fear’

Alien Fear.

Xenophobic is now a global adjective.
Suffering from xenophobia means, ..

1.) A fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners.

2.) Having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign.

We all (unambiguously), live with xenophobia hidden deep in our hearts, but never towards our close family ..

Next time, .. love that Kokujin as you love your kids.


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


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