Article created:- | July 26, 2021 10:00 pm |
Last modified:- |
Written by:- MJS
Jose put his boots on.
Rowle in agitation said. “Be quick, it won’t be there forever.
Hurry up!”
Jose looked at his friend asking excitedly. “And you say it’s stuck there?”
Rowle nodded back and whispered. “Hush!
Your parents will hear you!”
Jose smiled confidently saying. “No they wont, they are at the meeting in the town hall.”
Rowle’s face broke into a smile. “Mine to, you ready?”
Jose nodded.
The boys quickly left the house, went down the cobbled alley, and out into the early morning mist.
Jose leaned in close to his friend and in a hushed tone asked. “You say it landed last night?”
Rowle looked round and nodded back. “I heard the Mayor talking to my Poppa, they reckoned it landed this morning!
My Poppa was really angry at hearing this.
After the Mayor left, Poppa left as quick!”
He fell silent.
Out of the gloom strode two tall men who had dark menacing appearances, and they were coming straight at them. The men wore large grey grey caps and grubby grey clothing, they also had sacks tied across their chests as bandanas.
The boys flattened themselves against the flaking whitewashed wall. Daring not to breathe and waited for them pass.
As the men walked past, one of them looked down harshly at Jose. The whites of his eyes flashed down at him with contempt.
In that second, Jose knew the true meaning of fear. It was far worse that wanting for a beating from his Poppa.
It went much deeper.
Watching them walk on, Jose saw the barrels of guns sticking out from the bottom of the cotton sashes.
The dark men’s footsteps receded into the gloom of alley.
And in a second, were gone.
The boys breathed out a deep sigh of relief, then moved on. Jose nervously gathering his thoughts asked quietly. “Were, they the Resistance?”
Rowle nodded back. “Yes!
They are going to the meeting as well.”
Jose swallowed hard.
A few seconds later they found themselves at the brow of the hill, and just stared in disbelief.
The plane was wedged high into the top of the tree.
Rowle broke the silence saying. “I heard the Mayor telling the Monsignor, it had flown from the war in France.
The Monsignor said that it was over two thousand kilometers away, over the Alps!
But the Mayor just shrugged.”
Jose shrugged at this saying. “What’s an Alps?”
It was Rowel’s turn to shrug, who then stared intently at the mangled plane saying in a hush. “I heard that the pilot, after he crashed, climbed down then walked home!
He doesn’t live far from here.
Him and his mama are at the meeting.” Grinning thoughtfully he went on. “One of the older boys at choir this morning said it was a miracle that the plane could get here.
The Monsignor slapped him down.
I’ve never seen him so angry; he hollered at him shouting, it’s not a miracle, but the work of the devil, ..
And the pilot was a deserter, with his traitorous mother being in league with the Nazis.”
Two shots from the village behind them rang out in the early morning, both boys jumped staring back.
Rowle once again looked up to the plane and sighed saying. “They’ll drag it down and burn it.” then after a pause he continued. “I heard that the pilot just wanted to come home, but the Monsignor insisted he was deserter, and his mother would be tried at the meeting for harboring a fugitive.” He was quiet for a second, then added thoughtfully. “Seems that the Monsignor was right.
They’ve been found guilty!”
“Dammed: Collaborators!” Jose growled harshly then spat contemptuously and grumbled. “Waste of bullets, should have been hung.”
Turning, both boys silently went to school.
A Jessica Notation: the above comes in at 595 words. The Google writing rules were that the story must be not more than 600, and that was really hard to do, but I did it.
** Whether it will be attacked or not over its content is largely irrelevant, it was an exercise that I enjoyed, and took me well away from all of it, .. (for an hour or so.)
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