Article created:- | November 3, 2020 12:55 pm |
Last modified:- | July 15, 2021 9:52 pm |
Written by:- MJS
The universe is small, very, very small.
– In actual fact: it’s so small, that the vast void of space hardly knows it’s there, but unfortunately it feels it as a minor vacuous itch.
** There is no greater force in nature than that of the vacuum, and it’s said by some in the know: that nature adores a vacuum, but they haven’t chatted to nothing on the subject.
The great nothing itself was the driving force behind the great Victorian steam age: with the (Atmosphere Engines) of the iron horses moving them ever onwards out into the wilds.
The principle of using nothing is very simple, heat up and expand a space, then rapidly cool it: results is a partial vacuum that tries to contract, and in so doing -> draws the surround area into itself, thusly creating a vacuum.
Now, .. if this contracting area is directed in a line, as in a piston; then power is created and the rod is drawn back inside the vacuum piston.
Matt 16:19
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and etc … etc … etc:
“What ever you hold true on earth. I will then hold true in heaven.”
[ ~ ]
In the beginning was perfect (the Void) ™, and it was complete.
It was empty without form and with nothing, and content to be that way.
The place was pure and had no pollution, it was also a place were no pollution ripped through it constantly.
These proton energy burbs manifested themselves as void quakes, that rippled out from a void point, and that then dissipated itself out into that vast empty nothingness, just like a vast bloom.
One void quake ripped out, as had the many googillions that had gone before it.
The three highly charged giant proton balls are now traveling out at an alarming rate, out: out and out into the vast timeless void.
Some atoms move in, and some move out, but they are all moving across the surface of the vast skin of the ball.
The disgusting pollutions dance, now occupies one small insignificant microscopic point in that vast unimaginable void.
In a hole of ones own making.
Now, also in the void: are pockets more emptier than others, and it’s from here: where minds more emptier than ours, discovered the concept of time.
They finally understood this: with the appearance of the filthy pollution, and in that understanding, they realised it was only a matter of time: before the corruption and the reducing microscopic particles reached everywhere.
It was from this empty place, that the empty minds drew up their great plans.
Their plan would eliminate the corrupted area where the matter occupied, and it must be mentioned : without any harm or danger to themselves.
[ ~ ]
Using the abomination of the corruption against itself, the empty minds split the surface of the matter by introducing void pools.
Then in the splits, vast fissures opened up inside the skin of the pollution.
Once that happened: the void drew the matter into itself even faster, but, the void Minds knew that would happen.
Rushing out from the source, the greater mass of the others left behind felt the pull: and then violently drew the wanderers back, but they came back faster and faster towards the void Point: slamming and crashing into themselves as they went.
The empty minds had ignited the pollution with a word, and they knew that the word would burn it all, it would burn it away: till there was nothing left.
They knew it would do it as it burned in their small gravitational plains and even smaller bright spheres.
Where the pollution was originally created, and in this small spot in the void: nothing would escape from that place.
The Tell.
When the void Masters split the surface of the filthy Matter, they inadvertently told it what they had done.
Look to your atoms and molecules: look to what makes you, you! – And in this place, you will see the truth. ( And That Is. ) The space between our atoms is decreasing, the further we travel into it.
You – Are – Raping : Nothing.
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