Firstly, .. you might like to try my internal, ..
Then there’s my email address, which is:-
Thirdly is my UK land-line number that’s as follows, ..
[+44] 1793 – 330624
The number connects to an old ancient steam powered (telling-bone), which is also a device that is never picked up, so as a result; is happily gathering dust in the corner, but the line-out remains the main portal-in for the many numerous tele’-sales-feeder-lines inbound, that periodically call: every five minutes or so.
So to dissuade the hungry scavengers from promoting their frivolous (Products), and thusly consuming my precious time in the process: the permanently connected two way communications device has one of those new swanky tape-driven answer-machines hanging off of the arse-end of it.
Which means my dearly-beloved, is that you can use that (advanced-tech) to leave me a telephone message if you so wish.
A forth method that you might like to embark upon to thusly get my attention, is by simply using the tried and tested Reply Box sited below: simply click the (Green Button) to open the form.
Annotation: the comment form is not public, (won’t ever be approved), and from here, only I can ever see it.
 writeOn - © 2025 Download this theme.
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