
Article created:- November 3, 2020 12:48 pm
Last modified:- July 26, 2021 10:14 pm

Written by:- MJS

Hello Foggy Mind.

So, .. you’ve searched the web for a cure, and then accidentally found this page.

{The Google Traps.}
Alzheimer. Alzheimer’s. Alzheimers. I’m mentally fucked. I’m fucked. My heads fucked up. I’m thick. Confusion. Vascular Dementia. Dementia.
{/Google traps.}

Well, .. here goes, there ain’t no cure for the Alzheimer condition, but that doesn’t mean you can’t beat it.
– And change.

BTW, change is guaranteed; especially when you read this type of official medical bull-crap that’s found on the web.

What Are the 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Stage 1: No Impairment. During this stage, Alzheimer’s is not detectable and no memory problems or other symptoms of dementia are evident.

Stage 2: Very Mild Decline.

Stage 3: Mild Decline.

Stage 4: Moderate Decline.

Stage 5: Moderately Severe Decline.

Stage 6: Severe Decline.

Stages 7: Very Severe Decline.

Concentrate on the very first stage.

It’s called being normal for fucks sake, which just goes to show you how much the medical profession really knows, .. (they know Jack!)

Also: keep that jack fact in mind, as you inevitably progress on with your own moderate decline deciphering my detectable personal web page, that will never get severe in its overall progressive stage. It’s all bullshit.

Some Background Required.

In 2007 I was driving for a living, .. delivering parcels for a large courier company, and also secretly suffering from the fog of having the classic thick plasticine head that went with ** Alzheimers.

** It should be noted here that Alzheimer is a word in the singular, that was in fact bestowed upon the unwitting human race by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906.
So, .. from noting that startling fact: then it’s obvious that there is no such word as Alzheimers per-se, but everyone pronounces the brain dead mind-numbing word like that, so I’m just going along with the trend of the common man: now, lets continue on with the monotone repertoire of the witless author.

When working I couldn’t even focus on what I was doing driving from A to B then onto C, and as for telling you what I delivered the following day: that was out of the question.

  • And as for asking me what I was doing one hour ago down the road, and where I was going next?
    • Forget it.

I — no doubt, like you — was hiding it — and I hid it well by writing little notes to myself. Are you hiding it as well?

I didn’t want to admit that I had a problem, and I was damned if I was going to go to the Doctor with my symptoms.

** Instant Damnation, followed by no job to pay my bills: the delivery company I worked for was big, but even they wouldn’t have supported me.

I knew it was bad, and I also knew that it would get worse, but I wasn’t prepared to accept any of that shit as my ultimate outcome.

What I had in my favour, was the Internet: so I dug! – I looked, (like you are doing now), but unfortunately from reading the many official forums and approved medical articles on-line, I slowly came to the conclusion that I was screwed.

The depressing truth is, there is no conventional fucking cure.

This body knew that (it) was doomed to become a vegetable, dribbling down (its) own chin in a nursing home. Shitting in a nappy, and then being slapped around the head for being. ‘A Bad Girl!’ – By an arse-hole nursing assistant called Jack, who didn’t care what I was; nor even what I had been in my life. All he knew, was that I’d shit myself, (again), and it was almost Jack’s clocking off time.

There must be more to life than this.

And there is, but read on; to get your feet wet in the hard facts of life first.

One depressing fact did come through in my research though, ..

Is This!

Like that Page-Breakdown above, or is it below?

Anyhow, absolutely no one will stand beside you, .. if, .. and when you admit to your friends that you have a mental problem. At which point you’ll soon discover rather rapidly that you don’t have any friends any more, as they then put as much distance between you and them, for clocking off to get home with Jack following after.

  • They will run a mile, and that’s a well documented fact if – and when you say the word Alzheimer to anyone, and especially your boss.
    • Don’t Fucking Do It!

The sad truth is that under these conditions, then you’ll soon discover very fast that you never really had any real solid life support from your social circles, and all those deadlines you worked over and above to meet at work, .. will be for naught in the long run.

It’s a funny old world that we live in, because no one wants to care for the mentally ill, or even bare to be near them, .. it seems, .. that that’s a problem for the State to sort out.

Move over Jack, mines a pint, and it’s your round.

You got Alzheimer, then you’re screwed, and *you* be’ on your own brother, .. (sister.)

BUT! ..

That’s not to say that you can’t get through it with your heartfelt friends and heartless boss being non the wiser.

The Cure.

Supplements can help, .. regardless of what the precious medical establishment, and the over paid medical professionals have to say on the subject.

The primary reason they say nothing, is simple: they can’t be seen to support one product over another, even though intensive studies have shown that Omega 3 works.

  • So they don’t support any!
    • And it has come to the point, that their advice is, .. all supplements don’t work.

My take on it is this: they damned well do!

Omega 3 really does help, as does B+, and in fact any blood thinning conditioning supplements.

So years ago, I began to take them on a daily basis, .. and so did my mental capacity, .. it increased daily, but I never noticed: more of that later.

I now take everyday, ..

  • Omega 3, the vegetable, long chain blend, and not the fish supplement.
  • Vitamin B complex (sometimes called B+).
  • Sea Kelp Tablets.

My intake increased over time to include such basic compounds as brewers-yeast and turmeric and curcumin.

All these compounds work on thinning the blood, and are good for the most common forms of confusion called Vascular Dementia. They also indirectly increase the blood supply to the brain, but that was only half of it.

** Because there is more that you need to do to effect a cure, and I can confirm that a cure is possible: regardless of what the web says.

Changes Required.

In those far off halcyon (hal·cy·on) days, I really couldn’t think clearly, but my Plasticine-Mind could still re-call music. I remembered the words to the songs that I loved and sung back in the seventies.

In 2007, and after taking the pills daily for about a month: then for no apparent reason I began writing that damnable book that had been swirling around in my mind for years.

Like my music, it was burning clearly there. You will also have something burning brightly in your own mind.

You’re here aren’t you?

After just two months of taking the pills and writing that wretched book at six every morning, something subtle began to happen: I changed, but the trouble is, — is that I didn’t notice it at first.

Step Back.

Some background on my other problem.

Prior to this time, I wasn’t sleeping. In fact: I hadn’t been sleeping well for about seven years.

** Insomnia is a bitch to sleep with: she tosses and turns all night long, and the cow bloody well snores.

At the time I was told there is no real cure, and only a course of pills could break the, .. ‘wake in the night’, — ‘sleep in the day cycle.’

Finally thinking clearly, and being fed up with being a victim. I realised that I didn’t believe it. Taking my own problem in hand, and with the entire internet at my command — I began to research this condition, and literally threw myself into it.

I dug into the dark depths of the caustic underbelly of the web.

  • I read about every wacky theory going, and then considered them all on their merits.
  • I considered Yoga, but it seemed far to strenuous.
  • Tai-Che looked interesting, and quite cool, but the commitment to it was far too demanding for my demanding work schedule.
  • Intense physical activity was proposed by some as the cure, but my demanding work regime meant that I couldn’t do it on a regular basis, a pre-condition.
  • LEDS strapped to the head looked interesting, as did CDs and tracks laid down from whale music to listen too during the night.
    • Recorded Sea-Lion growling was a step too far, ..
  • As was covering your head in refined, .. err’, (shit.)
    • It also seems that human is the best! – YUK!

Remember, at that time in my life, I was doomed with the fog, and in my plasticine mind: I was also writing my final chapter. So I didn’t care to engage into anything that involved a learning curve that went on longer than three hours.

I intently trawled the web for a week, and after that time; I finally built up a real concrete profile of what Insomnia really was. – The general concept of not sleeping, was attributed to concerns in one’s life, and they were impeding your ability to shut down, (basically sleep at night.)

A form of cogitative therapy, and a regime of pill use was advised by all the well paid medical doctors.

It also said, that to break the cycle of waking in the middle of the night, you really did have to subscribe to medical intervention from specialists, that you had to actively seek through your own doctors practice for help.

Getting time off for an appointment for anything other than life threatening from work wasn’t possible. If you wasn’t dead, then you worked.

** Yer right: so fuck that option for a passable Liverpool pathway.

But with that professional help, you can then make a change in your lifestyle by attending appointments, as and when; the over paid professional deemed to see you.

** Yer right: fuck that, I’ve got to go to work, no pissing excuses to take time off.

My initial re-search also suggested not to drink stimulants.

Nor try to sleep on a full stomach.

It also came out with the usual nonsense of eating sensibly, ..

And of course taking regular exercise.

** Yer right: fuck that, like that’s gonna’ happen anytime soon. I hadn’t been taking exercise for years: mainly because of my insane work commitments, it meant that I was damned if I could find the free time to do it.

One thing you’ll note from the above, is my work ethic. Driving for a living and delivering customer’s parcels, means that you have to come in daily, to then do your own route, or be given one that you don’t know, thusly pushing your stress levels through the roof. To keep sane, you have to come in and finish when the route does, no excuses.

You don’t work, .. you don’t get paid, .. you can’t pay your bills, all ultimately means that you’re out on your ear.

One thing I did get from my research, was the simple word, ..


It became my new Mantra, and I literally changed over night.

(Day one.) I didn’t drink coffee or tea after ten in the morning. I only ate plain food, no spices, and no meat. I didn’t eat anything after eight in the evening. I also didn’t drink any alcohol.

** That one became the hardest habit to break. I still drink, but now only at the weekends.

Because I also suffer from gastric reflux, I also started taking a good mouth-full of an antacid when I went to bed. Which means that I took it as a preventative, and not a panicked remedy in the middle of the night.

The first day I woke up at four, and not two as usual.

** Perhaps a fluke?

(Day two.) Same as day one, plus when I woke up in the morning, I also took two caffeine tablets with my other pills. Plus some tea, then nothing. I worked the day with no cat naps, nor took any other caffeine based stimulants.

That night, after a two day regime: I slept right through for the first time in years, and I was amazed how simple it was.

Basically, starve yourself and then flush your system of toxins, but in only taking two days to do it: amazed me somewhat.


All the time I was still writing that damnable book. I lived and breathed that world that I had created, and had re-discovered the thing through the notes that I had written years earlier.

** Then after three months, it had become an obsession.

Back in the (before) timeline, and during the next month of sleeping soundly, I went through intense dialogues, whilst constantly re-enacting them again and again in my mind. In that place I also saw far flung worlds that I never even knew existed. Holding hands, I stood on clean pristine beaches, dressed only in my birthday suit; as the author screamed up at the injustices of god’s corrupt universe, but always with Romana by my side as company.

  • After four months: I wasn’t me anymore.
  • I changed.
  • I became, .. Jessica!

Digging deeper again on the web: I found out what I had accidentally done. It seems that the folds of the brain, are ever-changing, and always re-forming: so my book writing extended me into something that I wasn’t.

  • You can make the change, but to you.
  • (Read it again.)
  • You can beat this brain nonsense, by becoming someone else.

I’m not saying write a book, but you can try it as an exercise. It worked for me, but might not be your cup of tea.

Bottom line, whatever your obsession is, .. you have to want to do it.

  • And what I’m saying here, ..
  • Is .. Change!

Become an artist, try oils, try water colors. Follow that obsession down the white rabbit hole that burns brightly in your mind, turn your hand to clay modelling, try woodworking in your shed, try something: anything!

Really have a go at that something new.

  • Build a train set, — if that’s what rocks your boat.
  • Do that damned daily crossword in the newspaper, and finish it: even if you have to take the dictionary apart to do it.

But more importantly, and you have to keep this fact in mind; you have to do it every fucking day of your life. You have to *want* too do it, ..

Never give up, never surrender.

Get that dictionary out and then obsessively research the questions. Become a Nerd, a Geek, become much more than you are.

( Form ) .. that mental image in your mind, and hold (it) — (them), in there, and then you’ll begin to finally retrain your brain.

  • You’re trying to activate your brain in different areas.
  • This will make a difference.
  • This will make a change.
  • You Will.

— Change! —

You won’t be you anymore, but that said; you won’t be a shitting vegetable either.

At the end of the day, it’s your choice alone.

Epilogue, .. you can take the Government’s sage advice on the matter and eat more fruit and veg, and of course do more exercise, but even they admit that it’s not a cure, and that you’re damned: if they confirm that you do indeed have Alzheimers, but in taking that path and life choice, what you will ultimately become: is a fit vegetable sitting comfortably in an orthopedic chair at the end of your fuggy foggy daze.

** That’s a daily play on words btw.

Or, .. you can learn to become someone, or even something else, .. other than a damned fit mindless vegetable.

What have you got to lose in following this wacky space age new age nonsense, ..

Oh’ – Yes, – the Damned Fog!


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


February 2025


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