
Article created:- October 1, 2019 6:06 pm
Last modified:- October 18, 2021 10:15 am

Written by:- MJS

Can I hear an .. (AAAAA, Meeeeeennnnn!)
And all the sheep bleat back, ..


Official blurb:-
The holy text below is probably the well scripted scriptures that you were taught as a kid, ..

The word Amen is a declaration of *affirmation* found in the Hebrew-Bible and the New-Testament. It is also used extensively in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faith structures: declared as a *concluding* word or response to prayers.
Common English translations of the word Amen include “verily” and “truly”. It can also be used colloquially to express strong agreement, as in, for instance, [ Amen ] to that, .. brother!

Here is what you *weren’t* scripted, ..

From old Egyptian texts; we now know that people regarded the *Sun* as the emblem of the Creator, whereby the savages called the Sun, .. (Ra), and all other gods and goddesses were constructs of the Creator God. That statement must be true, because (Uranus-Heaven) and (Gaea-Earth), made the twelve original Titans.

One of these Egyptian gods, was apparently a direct descendant of a Titan: called (Amon), who was also apparently described as a secret hidden mysterious deity, a god amongst men who went by many names, .. such as Amun, Ammon and Amounra and Amen.

Got that tingly feeling yet?

According to them that know, and them who get paid to write this stuff down, .. for the first eleven Egyptian dynasties (c. 3000-1987 B.C.) “Amen” was also considered to be a rather minor god, but by the 17th dynasty (c. 1500 B.C.) He had been elevated to be the national god of southern Egypt.

Note:- God’s don’t naturally elevate themselves, they are actively elevated by the priesthood, or as some would call them, .. their Church Ministers.

God’s name was then enforced upon high by his many crony priests, bishops and technical popes; who finally won the internal struggle by having their own version of god, now crowned the King of Kings, and verily so did it come to pass; that they did finally begin to rake in the profits and monetary rewards thereafter, all given *freely* by the ignorant peasant followers who worshipped at the temple, given *freely* in return for their own personal priestly blessings, ..

It can’t hurt Mabel, and you never know wife, .. we might even get a bumper harvest this year.

All of the above happened, in, .. or around about the 18th Dynasty (1539-1295 B.C.) in ancient Egypt.

** Please keep in mind as you read this, .. that no one is really sure of any of these proposed dates: it’s all just rough guesses by overpaid archaeologists, who actually believe in their own immortality, published as they are in peer-reviewed white papers.

A notion that isn’t disputed: however, and that’s (anywhere) amongst these highly motivated men of science, never women you’ll note: is the simple fact that this god – Amon, really did exist; he’s long history and rise to power is written in stone.
In fact: it’s on a great many stone walls, everywhere throughout Egypt.
Some could even argue, that the (Black Land) of Kemet was it’s greatest export.

Other immortal beings have also seen the writing on the walls. They are of course the high flying bishops: all working from within the protected skirts of the holy mother church, and all desperately trying to shoe-horn the Jewish history into their own profitable narrative of faith, but what they also inadvertently did; was  give credence to the one true god, and if they say that it’s true: then who are we to argue.

It’s written, that in Egypt; this lofty position of being named the king of kings above all others, then gave the deity Amen, the sole attributes and characteristics of being the *one* true god amongst many, with his most holy revered name becoming combined, as in: [ Amen-Ra. ]

It literally means the supreme form of God, the Creator.

You also don’t need to initiate a college study, nor even have a degree; to thusly conclude what those corrupt priests actually did to elevate his holy *mysterious* name. Just look at how the holy mother church happily subjugated and repressed the ignorant naive heathens in the one true god’s gracious name, as it also saved them from worshiping their own false gods and idols. Pray to the one true forgiving god: or face death as a sinner! Their child like naked moral salvation is all that mattered, and it stands as living proof of what corrupt priests can do, especially when preaching the one true god’s holy revered scriptures, and extra especially so when the cowering assembled congregation is so young, so delectable, so mailable and utterly naive to freely accept the intimate touch of god’s passion.

Nor even do you need to ask why, or how it (all) happened in that far off land of murderous heathens.
(All) you need to know, is that it did, ..

And it really did, because it’s all proven by the many Egyptian writings, (all) extensively written on the many extensive walls, and (all) on the extensive godly subject of subjugation and repression of the heathens.

Heathens at the time, who were (all) happily worshiping their false gods and, (according to the modern missionaries), their disgusting large breasted female fertility idols.

But the noble beloved church of Amon stamped down on them, which was a practice that then resulted in that god alone, now being worshipped; above (all) others in that sad ancient bow land of Ta-Sety, that itself housed a great many Kemet heathens.

** But strangely, the Egyptians great many writings, didn’t include anything to do with this rebel called Bulrushes’ Moses.
All that honest narrative comes from the Bible, which is one hundred percent true: which itself is roughly translated from the Jewish Tanakh, which as everyone right thinking persons knows for a fact, is a corruption of god’s word.

The Jews, (mainly a slave race), (probably) settled in that accursed land of Egypt for around 400 years. Roughly dated from about 1847 B.C, but they then got kicked out when this Moses character from legend started causing a right old ruckus.
Ruckus kick off – was (probably) sometime in or around 1447 B.C. Whereby that man alone started his famous Exodus march to victory and glory.

** The simple fact that the Jewish race had voluntarily sold themselves into slavery, or legal bondage as it was called by the noble Vikings, and the simple fact that Jews also owed Jewish slaves, apparently played no part in any of it.

The Jewish race, (in seeing an out), just wanted to free themselves from their legally binding contract, (and at any price.)

This slave rebellion, then resulted in the entire pointless exercise; somehow becoming related to the bull-crap battle cry of “free my people!”

-( NO! )- Lets worship one instead.

Back to Egypt, many, many, many years prior to the Jewish expulsions, the noble burgeoning priesthood of Aman, had thusly enshrined into common law, that all sonnets, all plays, and all of the poems ever spoken or written: had to *conclude* with the god praising statement, .. AMEN-RA!
And everyone promptly did, for many, many, many years thereafter.

Here’s the sheeples eye view, and the very simple life choice being presented to them.
1.) Face being tortured to death for *not* saying it.
2.) Or say it every fucking time, because you never know who’s listening.
Under these life affirming conditions, pray or die!
That bleak notion seems familiar?
Anyhow, self survival on a mass scale soon kicked in, with holy mass being the operative word here: as all of the bleating worried sheeple, rapidly began learning to say the legally missive holy words, and that was every damned time they closed their (bar-lamb) mouths, ..
[ Amen! ]

Set my children free, .. the fleeing bleating Jews also carried that praiseworthy statement out with them into the wilderness, [[Amen!]]

  • And they collectively did it for the forty years thingy, [[Amen!]]
  • Which was right after Moses got pissy with the dumb-arse wankers for worshipping the golden calf, [[Amen!]]
  • And that was right after he came down off of that mountain, [[Amen!]]
  • But in a hissy fit with the self flagellating toss-pots, the man who broke the slaves out of Egypt, then broke the word of god by smashing the clay tablets, [[Amen!]]
  • Which then meant that the slave master had to climb that bloody mountain again, just to get a second copy off of the big man once more. [[Amen!]]

And (one) can only imagine how that conversation went.

  • “Yes God, .. they were praying to a golden calf when I got back.
  • No, .. it, .. err: it wasn’t a full grown bull, but a baby one.
  • Cow Paedophiles? – If you say so my lord.” [[Amen!]]

Some would say that it was the Jew’s bullshit period, but the wandering cow wankers; all still gave praise to their perfect one God sat upon high.
[ Amen! ]
The one God that is the King of Kings.
[ Amen! ]
Verily so, .. because it is written: by its concluding declaration statement.
[ Amen! ]

SO! — In *affirmation* of my *conclusion*, all of you brothers and sisters of the most holy and pure mother Church, ruled as it is by the divine immoral immortal Bishops! – When one of your god-fearing brethren says AMEN besides you next time! – You will know for a fact, that they are indeed: simply singing the lawful praises of an old Egyptian God, who was the King of Kings.

Why does all this sound so familiar?

[ Amen! ]


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


BTW: the slave children of Israel show below, are the unwilling (included kids) used and abused on their Master pages: they have no choice in the matter, AMEN.

Displaying the minor little kiddies here, who are subservient to the sub-post:-
[ Amen ]
Which is a posting that is technical the official Auntie.

April 2024


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