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Article created:- January 3, 2007 3:00 am
Last modified:- December 28, 2020 11:00 pm

Written by:- MJS

Book III

[ Number:- 3 ]


This third action packed adventure of the Gennaro’s Children series; flagging is what it’s supposed to traditionally do at this point, and the time-team are, .. (badly.)

Romana all alone has a choice, to complete her own cherished mission, or ignore it, which means that the woman of faith must also forgo God’s patronage, and instead; put all of her her new found faith in a young boy called Sam, that she can barely remember, and at the same time; the faithless woman must also remember the other unknown team at the expense of her own trusted Boys, but will she remember her original holy vows in time?

And Yes! – It’s supposed to have that bloody apostrophe in the title, and that’s because the funked-up echo belongs to itself bloomin self, (Dur! – Doh!)

[ ECHO’S ]

Hidden below is a compressive breakdown note on that damned plural, if you can stomach it.

[ Read more ]

The apotheotic-apostrophic time-lines have, and are continuing to collapse, and to top it all; the distraught team have {now} found that they’ve lost their way in space and time, {that are the same.}

To compound the Mech’tee’s problems even further, all of God’s little children, lounging in the well earned lull: now collectively have this tiny little nagging feeling, that someone else greater than them; is definitely pulling their strings, but from far – far away in their own distant future.

And those lengthy string pullers, expertly working their tight fishing lines, are having a direct impact on their distant past.

Making the present moment of tranquility seem pretty irrelevant in all this.

Proven irrelevance, in the slack space being felt at the end of the bent pole as the long line is drawn in, the casting of the wordy line proves that its already been written.

[ Resistance is futile. ]

All of God’s Children also now know, that the success of their unwilling undertaking was in real jeopardy! – Under pressure, (and all alone), the Mech’tee continue on with the job that they were created to undertake.

The actuality of being trapped inside a slowly contracting, very tight fitting glass-glove, seemed to be pretty irrelevant as well; especially when faced with the mind numbing vastness of the invading void.

Time is definitely slipping away from the Navigator’s tight grip of iron, especially where the mission of god is concerned, and in fact just like the illusive intrusive timeless Relics that she’s been charged to find, but the worried feted woman of god can do nothing about that now, because her team are at each others throats.

An argument brought on through a collective crisis of faith.

An argument that she’d accidentally started, when she curtly informed the barbaric twentieth century creatures to wash behind their ears before bed.

It seems that young boys can take umbridge at advice like that, even if the great adventure does actually involve venturing out into the (great-unwashed regions.)

In space, no-one can hear you burn, .. (or even drown.)

[ Resistance is irrelevant. ]

On the positive side, (after a vote), the team now has a new affiliated follower to look after, but to make matters worse; it’s also now been discovered, (quite by accident during the row over who does the washing-up), that Romana’s God himself has officially deserted them, and without his divine patronage at the helm; what other wayward Wayist forces will now be aligned against the lost wayward team, who can now only boast of having an old black cat as a mascot.

{ We are the Quads, [ Resistance is futile. ] }

It was as one of their dwindling number was dutifully stood at the sink to do the washing-up, was the point that the solitary earthly barbarian also discovered that they were swimming up-stream, and against a strong swirling river torrent at that, but far out into the outer void of space itself, .. and resistance out there is indeed futile.

But it needed doing, .. (it had to be done), .. so the team reluctantly began the resisted swim for all our lives back home, .. that space ship wouldn’t board itself.

[ Official Blurb at the backend.  ] 

[ Resistance is futile. ]

The time Navigator alone has a major problem on her hands: should she take the short-cut, or back out completely? – Unfortunately, her main overriding priority from here on in was enforcing the chapter fifteen protocol of her holy Mission Statement, she simply must keep the smelly barbarians at arm’s length and washed, .. (as it is written.)

[ Resistance is, — futile. ]

Elsewhere, there are the majestic flowing kings and queens who are collectively a drug using space-going race; these rampant money makers are also critical in maintaining the balance of the entire universe, but the smelly laid back individual hippies don’t know it: yet!

[ Resistance: is futile. ]

Young Sam knows better than any of his dwindling team members, just how much is actually riding on his talented group of nano-based supercharged human beings succeeding in this ongoing venture.

Everyone’s past lives, everywhere; were relying on him succeeding, and to do that, the {Deep Knowledge} that he posses must come out, ..

Well, .. almost all of it.

Resistance is irrelevant. ]

There was more, much more that the young boy hadn’t told his trusting team members yet, (and for a good reason), because none of them would believe their own memories if he did, .. (was it all just a damned lie?). Lie or no, Sam has to get it right first time, as there will be no second chances for any of us from here on in, ..
Third times a winner: so they say.



Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


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