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Mind bending, and Earth moving

Article created:- December 6, 2018 10:29 am
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

Written by:- MJS

Filed and cataloged as:- News, Outings

If you don’t do anything else with your worthless useless wasteful life, .. then at least allow yourself an hour to watch the video link below on u-Tube.

** Edit: the original has been removed, because of allegedly copyright reasons, but the included link below will give you a rough idea of what’s happening there.

(This is the reason). You may well have been exposed to the media trying to debunk the Bosnian Pyramid.

(That is the size of a large hill.) And is being excavated by a charlatan who goes by the name of Osmanagic.
– And quite right to.
– Because the media outlets are being advised by the officially recognized Archaeological Societies. It’s obviously complete hokum and balderdash, so by default of that considered declaration, (it is a hoax). But as you consider that: then consider this, they can’t even agree on what that fucking picture attached to this post actually represents, ..with some cock-eyed runt even suggesting that it could be a fertility ritual: instigated by the woman, .. (the harlot!)

The Bosnian PyramidBut they know without the shadow of a doubt; that the photo shown here is a [pseudo-archaeological notion], concocted and devised by rank amateurs to explain the natural formation of a cluster of hills in central Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It’s (FAKE) they screech loudly, especially at the proposed age of the thing.

Their consider declaration comes from [one] fact; because, as everyone knows, and they tell us constantly: civilization started with the Mesopotamians about 4,000 years ago, who also go by the name of the Babylonians in the fertile Indus Valley.

And then this rather nifty idea went through to the Egyptians, ..
(Who built the pyramids BTW.)
Before the Greeks and Roman Empire got involved with the social experiment in civilization, a mere 2,500 years later, ..

As it is written, and as we all believe so, (because it is written), so then it must [all] be true.

This is what else is written.
Before civilization, we were just mindless hunter gatherers, eking out a living in small wandering bands, and all without the benefits of civilization that started about 4,000 years ago, .. and we [all] did this simple thing for:-

150,000 years.

[Get your head round that figure.]
We, (HUMANS!) – Have been living on this planet Earth, in our current physical form, for about 150 to 200,000 years: they don’t really know, but they’ve found old human artifacts that can’t be accurately dated. We’re also told that in all that long time; that humanity did absolutely nothing of any worth, and that’s what they’ve written in their books, so it MUST be true.

The video link below, (is a bit ropey at times), but it’s watchable never-the-less, and is a complete record of that hoax unfolding before our very eyes. Because it is a hoax, because the media said so, as it is written on their autocues and teleprompters, so yet again: it must be true.

What they are finding on this thing, (that is a hoax). Is in actual fact a side line, .. to what (all) of the fine upstanding globally recognized Archaeological Societies actually got up to, — in just trying to close the giant inconvenient hoax down, and if you read the official WiKi on it, then you’ll be convinced as well.

A giant hoaxy thing, that has been, [drum-roll], carbon dated to at least 32,000 years ago from our current perspective in time. The carbon dating was done on material, (leaves), that were trapped between the giant slabs of, (*concrete*). Slabs of aggregate that make up the sides of the impossible giant hoaxy object, and not forgetting the extensive six mile long tunnels that are under the site, (that are also a hoax, but man-made). Hoaxy tunnels that have people inside them even now, volunteers in their hundreds; clearing out the very long hoaxy tunnels. Snaking hoaxy tunnels that go right *under* the largest pyramid ever built, a structure that has now has been probed with modern sonar as used in the oil industry: showing seven vast caverns representing the defined levels within the Oh’ well-head.

So you have a choice here and believe Osmanagic, ..
Or believe all those high paid experts, that are even now closing ranks; whilst coming out with yet more and more lame excuses as to why this thing shouldn’t be unearthed.

If ever there was a reason to set aside some time, to watch something that is *not* mass produced by the state controlled BBC; or even the fine upstanding politically-correct-run Channel 4 TV station in the UK, .. (then this is it.)

But before you dismiss this story as being new age flaky nonsense, ask yourself one leading question; that even the high paid scholars can’t even answer, that is also right in front of their stuck up noses.

There is a temple to the God of Jupiter in Lebanon called Baalbek, but there is a quarry round the back where our primitive stone age ancestors were happily hacking a stone-block out of solid rock, that’s been called the Stone of the Pregnant Woman by our esteemed teachers. Obviously there’s no gender bias or stereo typing going on here, .. (move along.) The heavy weight stone in question, weighs in at just under one thousand tons. 1,000 tons, — got that?

** Even with all of our most powerful cranes on Earth lined up side by side, we still couldn’t move the pregnant thing, which should give you a pregnant pause to reconsider that fact.

But-(apparently), primitive stone age man did, and-(apparently), all on their own, and-(apparently), just by using stone tools, and that’s according to the officially recognized Archaeological Societies. Who have also suggested in their own learn’ed fashion, that perhaps they used bronze chisels now and again: and also stones and trees to moving it, and that is what the officially recognized Archaeological Societies say on the matter, they also polity remind us to ‘Run along; and not to bother them with our silly little questions.’

Because as everyone knows, ..

  • Soft bronze cuts stone no worries, – NOT!
  • Stones don’t get crushed to fine powder by having a greater weigh placed on them, – NOT!
  • Wood is stronger that stone itself, – NOT!

Our learn’ed scholars also tell us that bronze cuts the third hardest stone ever known to man.

The picture shown is of an Egyptian King called Khafre, who happily ruled during the 4th dynasty of the Old Kingdom.

And-(apparently), he alone had his masons cut and polish that stone with their bronze chisels, whilst also leaving no marks in it whatsoever.

The stone that the statue is made of is called diorite, which is a close kissin’ cousin to granite. BTW: both are classed as 8 on the industrial mohs-scale, with diamond being classified as 10, with that stone being the hardest material that we currently know about.

We are also told by our most revered learn’ed scholars, that these bronze chisels were even used in building the great pyramids there, ..
Now, — once more we have to tell you young Pad’wan — run along!

normal man standing by vast 1,000 ton stoneLarge stones of this size in the Baalbek quarry, and in fact anywhere in the world; are commonly referred to as megaliths. Apart from the pregnant [Southern Rock], there is another one next door to it that has been quaintly named as the Western Stone, and this monster has been estimated at weighing in at just under a staggering 1,100 tons. No one at this stage knows why the primitive masons abandoned their labors, upped tools, and then left, but before they did, primitive man successfully put the other ones they cut out.

(ON THE ROOF) of the temple.

That’s what you can see going on above, most of the pillars shown in any picture you’ll see from that vast dramatic site; were what the Roman’s simply stuck on top of it, and they played no part in laying the floor. Because by then, the walls of the old temple were covered up with topsoil and mud over time, much more time than a mere 2,500 years; when the Roman’s were first there mooching round the site.

These facts above are all undeniable *proven* scientific statements.

The scientific statements laid out below, are also undeniable facts: facts that tell us that humans did indeed do something else before (we) were (all) wrapped up in the (all) embracing arms of cultivated civilization.

A social ingrained condition, that then happily burns women at the stake for being witches, a social civilized condition that goes on and happily represses all women’s rights, then joyously socially relegates them to being an object of wicked lust, objects for fucking and having babies, objects that have them loyally staying in the family home, out of sight, but not out of mind possessions, sexual objects that are well equipped for rearing the kids, .. and fuck all else.

All this as the noble man of the house goes out and earns a living.

But he’ll never be stoned or shunned for committing the morally abhorrent sin of adultery.

He’d be patted on the back for being led astray by the harlot, because that’s how much we care for his moral welfare.

We are a caring righteous society, that thinks it a fine practice for a young boy to go out and [sow his seeds] when coming of age, but cuts parts of the clitoris off of a young girl’s gentiles to stop her from even considering it, a cruel cut done by salivating demented aunties, a cruel viscous cut that makes sexual intercourse painful.

This is what the wonderful concept of civilization has brought us, civilization run by men. Fine upstanding men, who also run the officially recognized Archaeological Societies.

  • Pampered Men, – who all happily watch on, and then nod in enthusiastic approval at what this wondrous social set of conditions have brought them.
  • Powerful Men, – who are now worried that the new truth being uncovered may not be in their best interest.
  • Frightened Men, – who now dismiss it out of hand: because it can’t be any better for them, (than it is now.)

And I won’t apologize for writing any of this, .. because it’s all true and scientifically proven.


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


Now, watch this video, and then change your world view.

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