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Covid-19 Time Line

Article created:- January 4, 2021 12:00 pm
Last modified:- August 31, 2021 4:00 pm

Written by:- MJS

Filed and cataloged as:- News

We believe, here is where it all begins .. and I simply can’t believe that we’re all in Lockdown, (yet again!)

2019: The pandemic officially started on Dec 30th, with the Wuhan health authorities informing hospitals about an unusual kind of pneumonia, that appears linked to a local seafood market, – (we believe!)
2019: Dec 31st, Wuhan health authorities issue a statement about 27 cases of “unknown pneumonia.” The WHO country office spots the statement and seeks more information, – (we believe!)
2020: Jan 4th, the WHO issues its first public communication on the new virus, in a tweet, – (we believe!)
2020: Jan 9th, the WHO says China determined this is a new form of coronavirus, – (we believe!)
2020: Jan 11th, a 61-year-old man is the first to die of the disease, and China shares a preliminary genetic sequence of the new virus, – (we believe!)
2020: Jan 13th, the first overseas Covid-19 case is confirmed in Thailand, – (we believe!)
2020: Jan 20th, China confirms the virus transmits between humans, – (we believe!)
2020: Jan 23rd, the first Covid-19 lockdown is imposed on Wuhan and three other cities, and the rest: as they say, is herstory – hiss!, – (or so we believe!)

All the while this Concordia-Concordat was going on between the Who morons, and the inscrutable East, all hosted by the upfront and honest Chinese authorities: other things were going on in France, whereas in that far away country, a hospital treats a man with a nasty cough, (on, or abouts).
2019: 24th of December, – (or so we’ve been led to believe!)

Note: that time was also the week where I felt like I was suffering with a very nasty chesty Xmas bug, but they weren’t that unusual, and a lot of folks had it.
(Believe me, it was a shit Christmas!), but better than the one before: when I had the stinking messy trots for three days straight!

Facts that the sputum held in storage (and on file), was in actual fact covid-19, can be found everywhere, but here’s a ( link ) to the story found on the Guardian website, – (but no one believes the black and white facts!)
This is the quote, that then blows the noble human words of our clean-masters out of the water. “We had one, who was positive for Covid-19 on 27 December,’ he told the news channel on Sunday.”
(Now do you believe?)

Here’s what happened next.

One, .. in China – and then Italy later in February, the (Powers that Be) imposed and new concept called a ‘Lockdown’, whereas our own newspapers and media companies, seeing which way the wind was blowing abroad, — then loudly screamed whilst stamping its foot that we do the same.

A tantrum that then turned into a petulant demand, with all the loud sheep of the four nations bleating in agreement: so the Governments of the four corners capitulated, whilst also sniffing out a political advantage blowing in the wind.

Two, .. and the pressure grew on the government to obey the will of the people, and some people actually believed that the coming pandemic, actually prophesied the fabled End of Times.
You know, the one that’s written by Odin himself, ..

2020: the 23rd March was when the first lockdown began in the UK, and no one worked: companies were shut, schools were closed, and only essential shopping was allowed, with absolutely no one being allowed to leave their homes for any other reason, other than one form of exercise that (must be local), but the sun came out, so that was one good thing. Oh’ yes, we clapped on Thursday nights for all of the hard working Health Workers, who: according to the news outlets, were all bravely battling the rising tide of never ending Covid-19 patients piling in through their doors, but who in actual fact; were twiddling their thumbs, whilst also doing 3 minute TikTok vids, (and still we clapped.)

2020: on July the 4th we were finally released, and it was eat out to help out, it went back to normal: except the liberal leftie teachers created a fuss, and the schools remained closed, and did so till the new term started on the 2nd of September.

2020: 14th Sept, then the catchy new “rule of six” was introduced to simplify and strengthen the rules on social gatherings, making them easier to understand and much easier for the police to enforce. It means that any social gatherings of more than six people: will be against the law, – (Big Mx is stirring!)

By then the ridiculously ineffective (two meter) rule was firmly in place, excessive hand washing became the norm, and all the while the rabid news-outlets were all howling about the great pandemic, and the inevitable second wave, and also the need to wear surgical masks, (everywhere.)

Some folks were beginning to think, that it was a man made pandemic, but the vast majority of the brain washed sheep, actually believed every single word that the media wrote, spoke or farted: with the anal ejaculations’ becoming more and more rancid, and as the (‘), demonstrates, many more than one fart was taken up and sniffed enthusiastically, ..

2020: in October sometime, no one knows for sure, because by then the numbers made no sense: never-the-less, the long promised fabled Phase Two (or the second wave) had happened.
To save the economy, the Government tried to resist it, but November saw the second dreaded lockdown happen, but everyone worked: the schools were open: most non essential shops were shut, as were the pubs, but they were allowed to do takeaways (???)
WTF. Then November ended, and everyone hailed the lockdown as a great success, except, the vast unending majority of the mind modified sheeple, who wanted more — more — MORE! – (Big Mx smiled.)

With more and more being provided, as the numbers went up, (and down – with local lockdowns, mainly shutting the pubs: with the demon drinkers being blamed on the wildly erratic numbers), and all the while we were surrounded with the incessance drip – drip – drip of facts, and of course figures adjusted to suit the media’s narrative: thusly increasing the publications click-through rates on their more and more bizarre stories.

It was also discovered that tear-jerk stories of someone else’s suffering brought in the most: with the BBC showing at least one old black woman a day, with sorrowful tears in her eyes recounting losing her husband of over thirty years. Shocking, I know, but there you are, the 0.03% affected by the deadly virus are also BLM as well, as I say: shocking, – (and we took it all in: we believed!)

2020: Xmas came, and we had a free birthing of our Lords-day off, but we then paid for it with having no New Years Eve Celebrations, .. (the bastards!)

2021: January, back to work and the schools opened, (for one day!), before the weird leftie teachers; with Labor shit stirring on the side, closed the fucking lot, and once again the third great Lockdown has begun, but this fuckers indefinite, and the Pubs are shut as well, with no poxy takeaways either, and so the lockin and lockdowns have slowly etched themselves into February, and possibly beyond.

This is important, but the Covid-19 Bug has a mortality rate of about 0.3% of the population: meaning, that 99.7% won’t even know that they’ve got it, (they’ll later be described as being asymptomatic), and yet for the last year; the entire world has been held ransom to this (deadly virus), that’s a very small risk to anyone, and to disagree: would be a stretch of the imagination, but our vivid imaginations have now been stretched to breaking point, with the night terror stalking the streets, waiting to take its next victim, .. (will it be you?)


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


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