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Browsing decisions

Article created:- April 1, 2017 10:01 am
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

Written by:- MJS

Filed and cataloged as:- News, Reviews

(Update: 21-05-2021), After years wandering in the WordPress and Word 2003 wilderness, (2013 to 2017) this Post is relatively modern, especially by modern standards.

During this period of web-Blog inactively — I was actually quite busy, being both Pantser and a Plotter at the same time: developing the Great Market trading alliances, along with the Quads being firmly at the helm. Which was a series of unfortunate  events, that actually born fruit during the Echo’s refit during 2015, provided by John: many thanks yet again.

Space, The Final Frontier.
Spaced Out.
The view from the Gym glass doors was stunning.
– It showed the Earth below.
– Quietly sitting there in the black void of space.
“When, and where, does the Relic Event Activation occur?” Mohammed asked from behind them.
“There!” Romana replied pointing to a massive floating lump of black coal.
The ten mile wide rock showing in the door frame was so large, that it seemed to dwarf space itself.
Everyone behind the Navigator was silent for a short while marvelling at the size of this strange spaceship.
Continuing, the Navigator then said. “And it becomes (Active) in just over four hours, we have cut it fine.

I’m also mentioning this old tat (for prosperity), because you never know, years from now – the data miners and text diggers might find it amusing.

A discussion:-
(Now), I used the Chrome browser, and the reason is quite simplz, – I like being able to log into my Google account on (any) machine, and then instantly have all of my saved links and passwords to hand wherever I am.

It’s a major bonus, and it is the *only* reason that I use the bloatware that Google has to offer, but a major issue with it, is that it’s unbelievably slow to boot-up: as it exchanges megabytes of data with Google HQ, (an established fact by the way.)

Yes it’s free, but no; I’m not a (Product) to be prodded and pocked as and when the whim takes them back at google HQ: in that respect, (and the speed), then this little purchasing piggy trapped out here, wasn’t best chuffed with the free software that the squealer was using.

So I started looking for an alterative.

Imagine the day that this rampant consumer discovered to her horror, that Chrome is actually built on top of another (browser foundation) called Chromium, .. which is an interesting fact that the overpaid bosses at Google would like to be kept quiet please.

An added bonus with using that top secret master browsing platform: is that the web software has a build in Add Blocker, and the developers still supports XP, but my biggy where it was concerned though, is that you can still log into your Google account with it, and (still) get to your passwords.

So you’d think that it’s a no-brainer to use Chromium, but I don’t, and the reason is that the platform is bleeding edge software, and it can, and it will break on you.
Also, if you actually goto the Chromium web site, then you will be bamboozled with hyperthreading threaded hyper developer jargon, whereby after a while of hyper-(coy)-following-n-clicking; you’ll be promptly sent back to Google to download their nice safe Chrome Browser, .. just like the nice little purchasing sheeple that you are.

But all is not lost, — { baa! baa! } — Because a fork, (a split), an addition to Chromium foundation is out there, (in fact there are many), the one I’ve settled on is called Slimjet: with the developers having no personal axe to grind, (some really do). The slimmer’s world aficionados include no added benefits, (in the way of add-ons), being coyly included behind your back during the very simple install process; some really do add loads of extras during their own installs, but that’s not the case with slimmer’s world, you really do get a slimed down browser.

To all intents and purposes: Slimjet is a stable Chromium, and it is as solid as Chrome itself.

Try it out, you won’t regret it.

slim-jet browser logo

BTW: the developers solely rely on donations to keep their development afloat, so if you do end up using their browser full-time, then consider giving them a few Bucks, (Pounds), Deutsche Marks, or even Euros, and as broke as I am; even I’ve sent twenty quid their way.

Whatever you do end up doing, at least give them a thumps up for the effort they are putting into the project. A project that firmly puts Chromium in its place, and at the same time, it stops Google from attaining world wide domination in the slimmer’s market.


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


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