The Good Old Daze

Article created:- October 22, 2019 5:03 pm
Last modified:- October 9, 2021 12:20 am

Written by:- MJS

What did the Druids ever do for us?

We are all in the Now-Time, because the Dream-Time is now overdue: Aboriginal quote of the day.

** Head’s up before we start, all links on this page, will naturally open up new browser windows.

Groundwork, .. theses, are by default: long, and this one is no exception to the drawn out rule.

As with all white-papers, the first section simply gathers up the evidence, with the second instalment putting it all together, that then culminates in the conclusion.

What you are about to read below, is a thesis and nothing more, but as you take it in: just remember this sanguine statement put before you.


You might say that it’s nonsense to what’s been proposed here, and base that dismissive comment on the salient fact that the science community hasn’t endorsed what’s presented, but what I say in response, is this:-

** The most learned minds in their fields, don’t know for a fact what happened in the past either, and with the raw data being presented to them; then all they can do is guess, make suppositions, and then construct theorems of their own, but they do this with their own modern prejudices intact.

That prejudice comes from the years they have spent learning their craft.

As such, they are tainted by the experience of academic learning.

Teachers’ teach, and their wide eyed eager students; simply copy what they are taught, verbatim!

Because after all, that’s were the research money is, and not rocking the university boat: by boldly stating that they were wrong in teaching x (+) y and z all this time.

Students who boldly go where no one has gone before, are usually left out in the cold: so by default, no paid academic goes there.

Research funding and loyalty to one side of the x-y-z quadrangle is irrelevant to me: with my lack of formal training being a boon and not a hinderance.

All I have on my side, is just a burning passion to unravel the truth, and from that intensive desire in finding the facts: I can construct a conjecture about any subject, and also keep an open unbiased mind whilst I’m at it.

The key word in all of this, is an open mind.

Because that’s what all (we), can really do from here on in: be open upfront and honest.

Honesty in the (here) and (now), where we all live in the far flung (future), to then dispassionately view our far flung (past) actions. Oh’ look, the Abos were on to something!

In our focus today, I am addressing what our great (10 to the power 100) grandparents did for us in the here and now!


We all live on this magnificent blue marble of a bountiful living planet.

Yearly we, and the others of our birth parent: take our circular pilgrimage round our titanic yellow mother, (the Sun.)

Our impossibly large solar system, is in actual fact: tucked into the back-end of a four armed spiral Galaxy, that has about 100 billion other matriarchal stars in it.

The Milky Way in turn, is surrounded by more than a trillion or so other galaxies, and these are just the ones that we can actually see in the visible spectrum. The swirling masses of super heated gas clouds; that actually make up the Universe, are all crowded together into an unbelievably small microscopic pin hole of space itself.

** That’s all lost somewhere out there in the immense infinite void.

The vast nothings found out there, generally ignores us; because the void merely considers (our vast ever expanding universe), as a minor insignificant annoyance, and *nothing* else.

Now, ..

From that small sobering thought. I want you to travel back with me to the time before God existed, a time when the original Heathens, (the Primitives) knew everything there is to know.

Deep and profound mysteries surround the creatures of this dark age.

They represent a time when everyone, knew absolutely everything.

And the entire known Universe, went right up to (the far Horizon.)

And the aliens looking at the edge of the time disk: were the lost peoples who used to live in what we now call Briton, and did it about 6,000 years (BCE.) – so that’s just 8,000 years ago from our current technological perspective.

Outline Land Law.

The links on this page are the basis for my arguments. I’ve laid them out with an outline explanation on each, but first you need to know the lay of the land, and then we’ll get to the Natives. It’s from these primitive articles that I’ve formed my theses on how our Knowledgeable Ancestors lived. (And), what they actually (Believed-In.)

In reading the second compelling section: you’ll be horrified to discover that we haven’t gone as far as you might have imagined.

From our Ancestors expanded worldly view: I’ve drawn together scientific research from all over the web, then arranged it here in these divided sections. It’s these written and provable facts, and these primitive peoples hidden in history: that then form my logical theories of (Life)  the (Universe) and absolutely (Everything)  else as well.

It also demonstrates our divine purpose within it.

It’s all provable.
All logical.
And so
by default: it’s the truth.

It’s not out there, it lies in your head: which also means that you won’t like it, (not one little bit.)

-=(( O x O ))=-
{ Ta’wit! – Ta! – Woo! }

The Google Traps.

The Origins of Man.
The Ancients.
Ancient Britons.
Neolithic Britain.
Britain 6,000 years ago.
Britain 7,000 years ago.

1.) I will start with the mysterious stone balls.

These strange things are found in abundance: buried all around Scotland, and there have been about 425 (ish) dug up to date, with all of them carbon dated to about 4,000 years.

No one knows why they were buried, nor why they are found exclusively in the ground: not found in graves either, or even in the footprint of houses, lost as obvious ornaments.

Which by rights they should be, as they are quite pretty, but they have all been buried, and that’s an important fact to consider, and you should also keep considering it throughout this thesis.

Here’s an external link to the general curved stone balls description and discussion, for what good it’ll do you, (because no one knows), anyway: click away if you’ve a mind to, but I wouldn’t bother.

** Logic Bomb One: it’s proved that the stone balls exist, by the very discovery of their existence: which means – that they can’t be dismissed, as some eminent professors dearly want.

2.) Weather Eye, (Whether or Not.)

About 12,000 years ago:-
the last ice age finished
– And that’s a recorded geological fact.

Although the exact date it happened, is in doubt, but it’s generally agreed that the ice sheets finally lifted between 12,500 and 11,000 BC, which is quite quick in geological terms.

So my question is this:-

If it got warmer, (and it did.)

And all the ice went away, (again, it did.)

And then the sea level rose, (because it did.)

Then just why did the area in the North Sea become dryland?

(Because it did), proven by the large amount of ancient bones trawled up from the seabed.

It also seems that it remained dry for quite a long time as well, based on the types of bones found, again, (all proven.)

Riddle me the (Up and Down) question then.

Give up? – Here’s why the land in the North Sea appeared after the sea levels rose, and it’s called Isostasy, (basically), the theory says when the weight of ice comes off the Earth’s crust, then it bounces back up, then down, then back up and down again, but in slower and slower rhythms: till it eventually stops bouncing.

Yes, the crust we are standing on is wobbling, and has been doing it for thousands of years, but we can’t see, or feel it.

All we would notice, was the sea level getting higher, and then lower again over the generations.

Currently the ground is bobbing back up.

The proof for that statement comes from the dig at:-
the Richborough Roman Fort, which is near Sandwich in Kent. The excavations suggests: that Emperor Claudius’ men landed in that point in 43 AD, led by the turn-coat – Druid hating Julius Caesar.

And that location is a good two miles inland from the present coastline.

The sea is retreating, which means that we are still going up on the ground wobble.

This then leads me nicely on to another interesting discovery. It’s that Britain’s Atlantis was found at the bottom of the North Sea, and has been described as a huge undersea world, that was apparently (swallowed up)  by the North Sea in 6,500 BCE.

** The fishing area is now called the Dogger-Bank.

In the past, on that raised land: a mass of animal bones have been found, and there isn’t any doubt in the Scientists minds, that the animal bones discovered in the sediment of the North Sea floor, actually lived on Dogger-Land itself, and for some considerable time at that.

The officially recognized Scientific Community, don’t actually know just when the animals roamed across the dry land of the North Sea, but they have professionally identified a vast divergent mass of animal bones.

One set was that of a Hippopotamus, that can *only* survive in a warm climate.

Another set was that of a Mammoth, who are only suited to colder climes.

And lots and lots of other animal bones have been found: including some extinct big cats, who could have lived in either habitat.

To save face on this massive find, the scientists confidently quoted a time line that goes from (about), 2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago. This ridiculously large time span is commonly referred to as the Pleistocene Period.

And it was used to date the bones they found on the sea floor, stating that the area was tropical, (once.)

And also sub tropical, (at one time or other), but global warming is man made.

It was, and it is, a glorified scientific cop out.

But then those same self respected scientists, (spit!) – Hold their grubby little hands out for a research grant to find out why, Man-made global warming, is now causing the red squirrel to go extinct in the South of England.

** More than a spit, more like an extinct cat-like snarl this time.

Here is one such (un)-informative hot off the press Article. True, it’s written by a tabloid-newsheet: whose readership has the collective I.Q of three ten year old boys, and one of them avidly follows football.

Anyhow: the story itself is discussing the trawled finds, as well as questioning the social and ethological merits of (Beam Trawling) in the North Sea by the damned French – BIG – RACIST – YAWN!

** Step back: it’s proved that Dogger-land really did exist, and that’s by the existence of the dead (land) animals found under the North Sea.

3.) Irish – Mental – Breakdown.

To the west of the Island of Britain, is the ravaged Island off of Ireland. At its leading edge is the Island chain of Aran.

That small lump of land, now faces the full force and never ending onslaught of the Atlantic Ocean.


Here is a link to the hillfort database of the United Kingdom.

Says to self: ‘Hill-fort’, then holds huge girth whilst chuckling very loudly.

Anyhow, that Google Maps website will keep you amused for hours. Below, I’ve selected the bit that I want, and it is clearly shown here as an orange dot, with the dry stone wall and its gentle curve: that’s man made.

That small strip of land, (with the orange dot on), is all that’s left of a magnificent set of hills, that used to rise up above the wide, (flat), and obviously rich Savannahs, and that was the dry Continental Shelf itself. – Because it follows: that if the North Sea was dry, then the (shoreline) around Ireland was very different as well.

** Step forward: I propose, (logically), that vast areas of the Continental Shelf, would in fact be exposed and (dry), and it would also be as a direct result of the up-welling of the Earth’s crust, occurring from the last ice-ages rapid geological ice melt.

That vast dry area, would also include the wide open expanse between Wales and Ireland: with the Isle of Man itself, being a majestic mountain rising up between the pair of them.

Below are some websites from Aran and Ireland, they are looking at the *hill-forts* (ho-ho! Again), they are also focusing on the stones circles that are found on the Islands: that are located to the West of the UK.

It’s logically proven, that the Aran hillfort is cut in half, and has been done by erosion: with the incursion by the Atlantic Ocean itself.

From that observation, then it follows, that it wasn’t always the case that the sea got that far inland: especially if you accept that the North Sea was dry, (and it was.)

** Step up: – So, in the above section, we have established that the Continental Shelf was indeed dry, and from that: then the UK was one large land mass, and by the very existence of finding those varied bones in the North Sea: then it’s all been proved, (logically.)

The Social Niceties of the Primitive.

4.) On the (Other Side) of Nowhere.

In the South of England, there is a small village called Bourton on the Water, located in the Cotswold’s district.

In 2000, an Archaeological Dig was begun at the Primary School, and that was only after the builders of an extension discovered the skeleton of a body. It turned out to be that of a young girl, buried on top of a rubbish pit.

She was radio carbon dated to about 300 BCE, with the hysterical Media, nickname her as Bourton Betty.

Over the years, and after more building works were undertaken, three more adult women were also found, as well as a new born baby.

The considered opinion by the learned Professors, and really amplified by the hysterical Media: was that they were all human sacrifices.

It’s all proved, by the fact that deformed bodies were found buried on top of rubbish tips, and sacrificed by the fact that they were found where they were.

Give me flippin strength, ..
Caution, (Lazy Thinkers at Work.)

4a.) Going up North.

A Chariot Burial was unearthed in a village called Wetwang, east Yorkshire.

Link One, and link Two.

The woman buried in the grave, was found beneath a Chariot, (that wasn’t new), it was basically a worn out second-hand model, proven because of the wear recorded on it. At her feet, was a polished iron mirror, covered in an animal skin.

It should also be noted here, that the woman had a deformed face.

The scientific conclusion, the deformity was obviously done over the years being buried in the ground.


The Archaeologists also declared at the time, that she was *obviously* a Warrior Queen!

Even bigger drawn out (sigh!)

Both finds above, are a very long way from the Late Age that I’m looking at, but they do give an impression of the thinking involved.

With the archaeological notion being that the peoples of that dark *sacrificing* time, and their obvious primitive beliefs, who obviously knew nothing of the Universe, and who also *obviously* grovelled in the dirt all day long for a living, who also lived in small hunting groups.

** I’m really getting miffed off with these bloody *obvious* scientific conclusions.

What is proven here, is that a deformed female body, was in actually fact: found buried under that second-hand chariot.

With the archaeological notion being, by the expedient fact of where it was found, in an ancient land, (ergo), then she must have been a Warrior Queen, especially being laid to rest with such a prize at her feet.

Said it before, and I’ll say it again, lazy bloody thinkers at work.

5.) Going back: to the top of (the Known World.)

There is an Island on top of Scotland called the Outer Hebrides, and it’s as remote as it sounds.

A man walking his dog, discovered a hole next to the road, not a big hole, but enough for him to have a look inside, where he saw bones and stone work. That discovery precipitated an Archaeological Dig, and that simple dig: turned into the biggest find in Neolithic human history.

More and more larger buildings are being discovered at the Ness of Brodgar which is amazing, the web site of Skara Brae is also a good and interesting read as well.

In one of the above articles, I am amused by the bit that says:- “The site was farther from the sea than it is today, .. Although the visible buildings give an impression of an organic whole, it is certain that an unknown quantity of additional structures had already been lost to sea erosion.”

** Humm! And yet still none of these bloody highly paid experts can put it all altogether.

Both of the above links, demonstrated some fascinating information on what our ancestor’s houses, and large buildings (slash) temples actually looked like. Trouble is, from this stone based perspective, no one can actually describe what the people did, nor what they believed in.

** We only have a rough idea of what their buildings floor plans were like.

Then, (from what we see), we try to implement our own standards on what’s been laid out before us, but unfortunately, it is based on our own limited vision and morals of how we live in the here and now.

For example, if there is a (Temple!)

Then it must be a heathen place of human sacrifice, and run by Druids, who once ruled a wicked corrupt religion.

Because: (obviously), it wasn’t as civilized as our own Christian based belief is.

As such, (in our superior position), we can only pass judgement on what our primitive ancestors did, because what we see as inferior: then it actually confirms that a corrupt culture operated up there at some point.

And that’s an unbelievable corruption in every conceivable way.

Unfortunately, the Archaeologist’s still don’t know what the great Temples at the Ness of Brodgar — actually did.

Nor why they were build all the way up there in the first place.

The Breakdown.

That remote site in the Outer Hebrides has revealed six large stone buildings being discovered to date. They were all housed inside a massive site, and the long enclosed stone walls were two meters high.

It is an impressive structure for a primitive hunting gathering peoples, who where all wearing nothing but animal skins, whilst also running around and grunting!

The eminent Archaeologists on the site are already prescribing human sacrifices to that place, because human bones have been discovered.

** So, it’s plainly obvious what was going on up there.

Except! – Not that many bones have been found to date on the site, and practically no burial sites either from the Neolithic period have ever been found, and that’s both across the UK and Europe.

It would also appear that primitive man didn’t bury their dead, as no real stash of bones can be found. So lets **Jhator the problem:  yes, that’s what they must have done, (case closed.)

** **Jhator – a traditional Tibetan funeral practice, in which the body of a dead person is exposed to the open air — to then be eaten by vultures. Noun. 1. sky burial – a traditional Tibetan funeral ritual in which the corpse is exposed to the open air to be eaten by sacred vultures, and a beloved romantic method of primitive burial: espoused by all lazy thinking Archaeologists.

Those same lazy Archaeologists, working up at the site in the Ness of Brodgar, have recently discovered that the place was abruptly left, and practically overnight at that. They’re radiocarbon dated animal bones found on the site, and it suggests a huge feast: or ceremony was held with more than 600 cattle being slaughtered, – in one night!

What the? – That’s a lot of beef to eat, and a lot of meat to carry.

Then it appears that the site was completely decommissioned, meaning that it was dismantled, (not abandoned), but carefully taken apart, — stone by stone.

This planned decommissioning occurred around 2,300 BCE, (or 4,500 years ago.)

It was carefully dismantled, about a thousand years after its initial construction began.

Which was about 5,500 years ago.

When, or about, the great Pyramids in Egypt were (++) built.

Eminent (well paid) Archaeologists, believe Egypt’s large pyramids are the work of the Old Kingdom society, that rose to prominence in the Nile Valley after 3,000 B.C.

Historical analysis tells us that the Egyptians built the Giza Pyramids; in a span of just 85 years, which was between 2,589 and 2,504 BC.

** (++) Even with all of our advanced technology to hand, we couldn’t built that 40-acre complex in that sort of time line, we couldn’t even lift and place the main Lintels, nor even move the great megalith stones that make up the Kings Chamber shaft. Yet, we’re told that primitive man, using nothing but stone hammers – built it all in just 85 years! What did I say about lazy thinkers?

In our own mysterious northern site, on which the barbaric residents of the Orkney District, lavished almost a millenniums effort: which was then meticulously taken apart, and from that point on, the Great Temple complex in the Ness of Brodgar quietly slipped into history, and also out of our racial memory.

** And unlike the great Pyramids: the Brodgar complex remained forgotten for the next 4,000 years, until a man out with his dog found it.

Proof comes from the fact its been discovered, it is irrefutable, and it’s been found in one of the most inhospitable places in the Northern latitudes. It really is cold, wet and very windy up there.

** That biting cold, is actually a key as to why that place was built there, and why it was demolished, (when it was.) Read on.

6.) Archaeological Facts.

Both places in the Orkney’s (and others) found in the Outer Hebrides, as well as settlements discovered in Wales and Ireland, are a lot older than the sites discovered in and around Stonehenge. That fact alone highly disturbs our well paid archaeological societies, because the Salisbury Plain is our preconceived landing spot for Neolithic man in the UK.

** Which leads me to the big question as to why that wouldn’t be the case: why didn’t our ignorant ancestors move into the pleasant rolling downs first?

Here is where my logical sequencing begins.

The reason that the Hebrides was occupied first, is because the center of Briton, was a thick impenetrable forest, and that includes the high area around Amesbury to Salisbury: which is the Home of Stonehenge, and that great stone circle was built between 3,100 and 2,800 BCE, (which is a carbon dated fact.)

Which also means, that the vast temples of the Ness of Brodgarwas indeed built first, with the Stonehenge project being constructed much, much later in our history, (and that’s a proven statement on both fronts.)

7.) Laying down the (Course Work.)

We have already established, that about 11,000 years ago, the UK was part of the Continental Shelf, (this is also a proven geological fact). It also means that Briton was in the middle, and was included in one very large land-mass.

Our gene-lines, (Scandinavian), also indicate that we all have a common ancestry from the warmer climes of the Mediterranean area.

All humanity needed to do, to get to the Outer Hebrides, was simply walk to them.

I also propose, that the primary reason for the initial move: was all due to the pressure of limited space in the town, that our great grandparents, to the power of four hundred: simply, out-grew.

Our population in that small peninsular land was expanding rapidly. In those early days after the ice sheets retreated, we had a massive timeline of weather stability.

** Those (growing) facts have been established by taking readings of preserved tree rings, ice cores and examining the explosion of sea life in the sediment for that time, these statements are irrefutable!

In such easy periods, humanity breeds like rabbits, and we did, it also forced us to move out of town in that pleasant warm peninsular. Have you worked out where it is yet? Anyhow, we (humanity) slowly bred, hacked and slashed our way into the thickly tangled wooded areas of Central Europe.

** Because in easy calm periods of warm weather and subtropical seasons, trees do the same as humans; which means that we had a lot of catching up to do.

That tangled mess of thick unsullied forest, extended right across Europe, and over the dry North Sea savannah; that consequently joined England, Scotland and Wales to France and the top end of Germany.

The dense woodland spread itself out across the dry Irish Sea, and all the way over Ireland itself: then finally coming to an end a long way out, into what is now called the Continental Shelf: where the Atlantic Ocean was lapping contentedly at the long shallows.

Look back in wonder.

The western tip of the hills we can see, would one day become the Island of Aran, sited off the coast of the island of Ireland, with the high wooded Mountains of the United Kingdom towering up behind. All proven by the simple fact that the (Hillfort) on the Island chain of Aran — was originally built as a complete circle.

7a.) First Views.

The entire area to the west of Central Europe that the First Ones actually saw: was an impenetrable forest wall with a huge Mountain right in the middle, and that insurmountable barrier squashed any notion of travelling to what we now call Great Britain via that route, but its prized location could have been on the Dark Side of the Moon.

** Another reason, was that the first ones might have actually been aware of it in some half forgotten Myth Legend, so they racially steered clear of it, but that’s a supposition on my part.

What isn’t a supposition, (and proven), is that in our dim and distant past, Britain had been populated, but the people who had lived there had died out, (several ice ages ago.)

** By now (5,000 years ago when we were slashing and burning our way across Europe), the original inhabitants of the British lands were long forgotten: as was the place name they lived in, but it does live on it old Celtic stories, and also Greek and Egyptian Legends of the Golden Haired Men from the West, but that’s another theses.

Stepping East: I do have proof of that bizarre statement, that Briton was indeed occupied much earlier than 5,000 years ago, and it comes from a grave found in Wales; which was originally called,
The Red Lady of Paviland.

The bones were discovered in 1823 by William Buckland, in an archaeological dig at Goat’s Hole Cave (Paviland cave), where he piously declared to the world: that the red dyed ochre skeleton, was that of a prostitute, and a mere woman of ill repute, who was probably buried by the Romans.

    • What the?
    • Such was his arrogance towards the dirty unclean woman, that it clouded his own sacrosanct judgement.

That is the sort of academic prejudice that we have to deal with, especially when considering the peoples of the past: because they are, of course, (barbaric savages), and our first assessment of them is all that matters, and that bias (pious) assessment of the red whore stood for some considerable time.

** Bloody minded righteous vicars really make me grind my teeth in despair.

His uncorroborated scientific assessment got blown out of the water however, and that was when someone thought to carbon-date the contents of the grave, where it was found that the bones of the Red Ladywere a staggering 33,000 years old, and the occupant of the grave; was in actual fact a young man, buried with some honour as well, (again: all proven by what was left in the grave with him.)

Thusly do we proved: that the lump of European Britain, was indeed populated by humans as far back as at least 30,000 years.

** And that sort of timeline thinking does my tiny mind in. Especially when we can’t even prove what happened a mere 300 years ago, (who was Dick Wittington?) Let alone answering the big one that happened 2,000 years earlier: which was when Jesus was crucified for our collective crimes.

8.) Moving on.

The long hard trip to the fabled land of the legendary Golden Haired Warriors in the UK was far too hard to make, even if our ancestors had a notion to do it, and our great (*400) grandparents didn’t.

If we are here, (then by default), they did: they were the first.

** And although our fabled ancestors didn’t know it at the time, but they represented the *third* great migration to these shores.

Now onto the leading question: just how did they get here?

I surmise, that the picture that you are looking at, is the first fast super highway — for slow breeders.

Rivers are a perfect way to move and slowly travel through dense woodlands, and I reckon that’s how they (eventually) got around. If I’m right, then what you are actually witnessing, is the first Motorway of the Neolithic Peoples.

Kick Arse.

The map below, was constructed by the oil companies, and constructed during their mapping of the North Sea: where they also accidently discovered the massive Dogger-land Island.

It was located below their drilling platforms, and I’ll assess that it’s only partially correct, and a much larger area than shown, was dry land.

Proof comes from the fact that the Outer Hebrides, couldn’t have been reached by using that inaccurate map.

And it was colonized first.
But as inaccurate as it is, look closely at the rivers.

These are mapped from water flows seen on the seabed of the North Sea.

They are old river beds.

There is a low one, that travels from the top of the Mediterranean basin, almost straight to the lower Scandinavian coast line. It ends up where Germany finishes off and Denmark starts.

** Strangely, the River Rhine, that connected to the Thames Valley Basin wasn’t used in those early days.

This is mere speculation, but I propose that it was because our original pathfinder ancestors, simply didn’t know about it: or, they collectedly kept away from the Golden Haired Warriors from the West.

Either way: they obviously found it later, but at the time of rapid breeding growth in our early history across Europe, it wasn’t used.

** And I know this to be a fact, because of the Outer Hebrides Brodgar Temples being built there, and (when) they were.

Carbon dating does not lie, and those 600 cows being killed, is absolute proof of that early fact of life.

The next growing phase of our ever expanding families: obviously found the fabled Great-West-Passage, but much later; with the new frontier being opened up with our great grandparents (*200) now using the Rhine River this time.

For trade and growth: it was an easier path to take, coming out in what we now call the Netherlands, and there on up the great (North Sea Valley) with its meandering rivers and tributaries.

** But by then, the land was sinking again: going down in one of its wobbles, with the great North Sea Savannah; probably looking like the oil map shown above.

8a.) Proof of that statement.

We find the first settlements in the UK, only in the Orkney’s and Northern Scotland, and then down the coast of Wales and Ireland.

But *NOT* along the coast line of Southern England, which was an easier place too get to and populate.

I assess, that it was originally the high Mountain Range of the Alps that hid the source of the Rhine to Southern England. As can be seen, it was a much easier trip. So it logically follows, that our old grandparents; never tried to climb the Alps with their burgeoning families in tow.

It was too high to bother with in those early easy days of plenty, it was easier to follow the ever retreating Northern-Passage.

The rest of the mighty River Rhine was buried in the deep forest to the left of them.

So my statement, that our direct ancestors didn’t use it, because they didn’t know about it: must be proved logically true.

** Proven, by the fact that the South Coast of England wasn’t colonized, first: which simply compounds my argument that our grandparents (250 times removed), didn’t bother going that way.

Instead, our breeding ancestors took the easiest route that they could find. They had their extended burgeoning families East, and then North, and then West again, and ultimately made there way across the (Great North Sea) plains.

Following and living on the edges of the great rivers we thrived, and whist also using massive rafts, (found), we used these super high ways to our productive family advantage.

** I propose, that going in the Great-Northern-Arc is the path that our distant ancestors took.

And being the ultimate, [ 8b. ) – Fast Breeder Reactors. I also predict that we could have moved up towards the Scandinavian coast line, and all within a mere ten generations, 400 years; give or take.

1 * four.
        Starting out at the edge of the forest.
2 * eight.
        Cutting out a farm land.
3 * thirty-two.
        Building a town.
4 * sixty-four.
        Moving deeper – hunting, trading furs backwards.
5 * one-hundred-and-twenty-eight.
        Second town developed.
6 * two-hundred-and-forty-eight.
        Deeper penetrations into the interior.
7 * five-hundred-and-two.
        Lines of communications now running both ways, with mining for coal becoming a profitable occupation, as well as wood and furs.
8 * one-thousand-and-twenty.
        New towns developed even further up the river.
9 * two-thousand-and-forty.
        Highly developed trading routes, and new towns formed. Large wooded areas cleared.
        – Forces more rapid development up river.
        – Deeper mines on the hills opened.

10 generations (*) four-thousand-and-eighty people are moving up into the great forests, and even further out into the interior.

At just 11 generations,  and just over five hundred years, the number of people jumps to 8,161.

** All that calculation above, is on the assumption that we only have four children per family, and only two couples started out. More children means a better retirement plan for the parent(s), who on average die at fifty.

I also think that my assumptions on the Originals, are definitely on the low side. Put just four couples in the starting equation, and the numbers quadrupedal to having over 32,584 people running around in the wild, and by rights: much more than 8 people moved out of the overcrowded town.

An average town or small village is about twenty families.

Any more in our rural tribal (farming) setting.

Then we become stressed, (which is a proven sociological fact), that’s actually borne out by the archaeological findings in Europe.

Necessity is the Mother of innovation.

And the necessary mothers, wanting yet more children, eagerly us moved on.

So sexual necessity in the virgin forests, drives us ever forward towards even greater wealth.

And that driving desire to succeed at any cost, is now programmed into our own social DNA.

Our greed from the river drive is now legendary, and with no restrictions in place in the great forests, we moved on (family by family.) Moving ever deeper into the virgin landscape, and as we did: we slowly bred our way up the vast temperate continent. Finally, with our breeding families; eventually coming to the coastline at the base of what we now call Denmark, and it’s here where we formed a massive coastal town.

(Now drowned under our filth), and in this place is where it, and we came to a dead stop, held back from simply moving forward by the vast northern sea.

From this sprawling town, we then spread sideways and back inland again: killing, trapping, digging, whilst also rummaging around in the dirt in the deep hills that surrounded this massive river mouth.

** And remember, we were still young and head strong: with only eleven generations removed us from our roots.

So it’s here where we are now also relatively settled fishing and trapping, but some also went down deeper and deeper: greedily digging out the wealth in the vast estuary, (where we all got gold fever as a result.)

8c.) Thinking it through.

Under the ground, is where the wild animals made their dens, and below them; the deeper demons lived and prowled.

Lower than that place, is where the monsters of the depths called their home, but this was where the valuable minerals came from. In the depths of the underworld, in the hell zone, the home of the demons: we found the best flint, coal: precious stones, gold, and much later, copper, and then iron ore.

Miners, since the beginnings of time, were considered a breed apart.

Their good luck rituals in entering the deep places of the lowest depths, took on an air of Religious Dogma: that Dogma then came back out to the surface with them.

It penetrated, and prevailed itself into the general population, and over time: it became the religion to live by: whereby all of a sudden a race memory is established.

With hell below, and heaven above.

It all comes from a primary fear of dying under-ground. If you unfortunately did that, then the demons of the depths will take you into their own realm. If you died down there, you will never be freed when it was your turn to release your spirit back to the world of the living.

** It’s an important distinction to keep and remember on your long journey.

Our ancestors, now held from moving on by the great northern sea, and from that stinking cesspit of the sunken town: we began trading with our grandparents still living down-river. Here we began sending them raw materials back, they in turn: sent expensive food stuffs up river to us.

We started the concept of a successful trading town, and from here our religious beliefs became crystallized, and that religious concept also went back with our trades.

In the river delta, we all became very rich, but we also kept breeding all of the time.

9.) Moving on again.

Running out of room, with our increasingly burgeoning numbers in that highly successful trading post. The stinking town is left behind, but we are facing the natural barrier of that huge body of water.

We unconsciously split into two distinct lines, with one breeding group travelling North and East, whilst the other family gathering going North and West.

The group that went North-West are the ones that we are following. The ones that became the British Druids. They bred fast and went up from the great Scandinavian River Basin, turning slowly West in their great families: this cautious group, covering the span of four hundred years, eventually found the large rich Dogger Island.

Here, seeing yet more dense forest to their left, they saw a flat area across the seas from the top of the Dogger Hills. – They could have walked, and slowly bred themselves there, but instead, they built themselves massive sea-going boats, (the hulls recently discovered.)

Our Ancestors then sailed and made their way up the coast to the North of the Outer Hebrides Landmass, and did so in the warmth of a rich and abundant temperate landscape.

It wasn’t yet another massive forest that our fore-fathers found, but a vast green savannah. On it, mighty herds were found wandering and calmly grazing at will.

** The animals, literally never knew what hit them.

9a.) But, we had finally found (the Promised land.) 

  • Life was Good.
  • Life was Easy.
  • Life was Cheap.
    • And we did what we do the best: we had lots and lots and lots of babies.

On the top of the high hills, and with our increasingly burgeoning families: we built the massive stone governmental centres, that themselves – overlooked the vast fertile plains, and also the long seashore ports.

** Those same flat plains, that in time, would become the rich fishing grounds of the Outer Hebrides Islands.

9b.) Look back in Vein, (sp).

Here on that flat coastal plain, we established a clean and powerful trading nation. Within two generations, (two thousand new people), we turned, and then began sending goods and materials, (by boat), back to that massive coastal town.

They sent us other rare materials back in return, and trade was good.

Now using our established coastal sailing boats, we slowly travelled, and bred our way down the newly discovered coast line of Western Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Taking what we wanted on route: some families stayed, but some individuals went back with trade.

9c.) Trade Winds, (sp.)

That original trading town in front of the mighty sea, had a small village built onto its left hill.

In cool confidence, the metropolis over looked that vast sprawling basin with its stinking suburbs far below.

The small village grew, and is now called Cuxhaven.

That massive stinking trading post was located on the tributary basin of the river Elbe.

This river in turn, led back across the great:-
Central Danubian Plain, that is now Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Austria, and in the North-East part of the Ukrainian: now cleared of its vast forests, the winding waterway, and the established trading route went all the way back to the warm peninsular of Italy.

Our trading path has now finished its origin, at the small village that gave birth of humanity: that soon became a vast stinking town that would eventually become known as Rome.

In our race memory, this one small salient fact comes shining through.

All roads lead to Rome.

The archaeological societies argument.

They tell us that it was just stone age monkey-men dressed in skins who were our progenitors, who roamed the land in small hunter gathering groups for thousands of years.

** 120,000 to 160,000 years to be exact!

And No! – That’s not a typo: in our present form, we’ve been on this earth for that unimaginable length of time.

To reiterate, the fast breeders called humanity: according to the archaeological societies, have apparently been aimlessly wandering around the world for that period.

The great societies also tell us, that civilisation actually began in the Indus Valley, and that was when writing was invented by the Sumerians, who wrote down trading tallies on clay tablets: that were first used in around 3,400 BCE, with some remaining a mystery to this day, but most of the later cuneiform scripts has been deciphered.

One great tale even told the story of the Great Flood, or the Deluge: as it was called by every major religion, including the Abos in their wet dreams.

Keep up at the back!

In this clay borne story, one man was spared the wrath of god, who was called Noah, and remember: it’s written in stone, so it must all be true. When that came out in the 1800s, the church practically wet its collective knickers in delight, then quickly recanted when the primitive godless source was revealed.

Now, I want you to consider a fact, (an error in your own thinking if you like.)

In your mind, you saw our stone age ancestors, dressed in skins: hacking their way up through the forests, and then farmed, and then bred their way up to the Continental Shelf, that would soon become Great Britain and Ireland.

Even now, the Neolithic peoples are commonly referred to by our esteemed archaeological societies as, (Pre Stone Age), thusly indicating some sort of primitive backwards cave dweller, but that cave dweller — actually built the Ness of Brodgar, so perhaps we can assume: that the established monkey-men, were perhaps something else entirely different?

Firstly: were they indeed dressed in clothes?

Or not!
And why does it matter you ask?
It’s important, as you’ll soon find out.

The Ancient Britons were all wearing them when Rome invaded. Jesus was wearing them 2,000 years ago, but when did they get invented? – And then used! – And why?

Type into Google:-
Oldest woven clothing ever found, and the linked site indicated, is the first hit that pops up. The only reason that the cloth survived, is because it was semi-fossilized from contact with calcium in the antler.

I find that fascinating.

It also demonstrates, that we are missing the point when we think about the ancient peoples of the world. If a piece of cloth was found that was 7,000 years old, then I propose that cloth usage is even older.

Here’s another question: just where did the population of the Tigris River region come from?

In modern Turkey, lies the oldest indication of civilization on Earth: with artefacts discovered on the dig, being dated to just under 12,000 years.
The place is called Gobekli Tepi, and its location is right on the border of Syria.

Nowhere near the Tigris River.

Now, we need to go the other end of the world in our timeless wanderings: Egypt to be precise. In that great country, the first Pharaoh’s nme was Narmer who lived (about 3,200 BCE.)

The picture below is the oldest surviving image of a historic person. I’ve left it in its fullest resolution, should you want a closer look, and as you can see: he is dressed in a linen loin cloth, as are others in the violent relief.

Violently, he apparently united the Upper and Lower Nile 5,200 years ago, (work it out). Here’s a link if you want to know more about him.

** That picture shows a man wearing clothes, and it’s the earliest that I can find, without becoming overly complex in my convoluted Google searches.

Based on the above, I reckon that we’ve been wearing traditional clothing, for much longer than we can imagine.

** But it can’t be proved, because we haven’t found any other older clothing: yet.

So, we now have a primitive peoples wearing clothing, but they are also tilling the land — without iron! — And very successfully at that.

** The Aztecs didn’t use any metal, had weapons as hard as steel, (made from obsidian), inlaid into tempered wood, and they were a very successful peoples.

How they *all * farmed without ploughs, is with a simple digging stick, and it’s this humble implement, that allowed several massive civilizations to develop over the long undiscovered ages.

The Egyptians used them, as did the old peoples of Gobekli Tepi: who lived near the border of Syria, which is quite close to Rome itself: which is built on the Tigris River by the way.

Some say follow the money, but I say follow that stick. Its passage throughout our history, provides us with much more information about how people lived, much more than where the first bronze weapon came from.

** That small stick tells us who we were, and are.

And the clothes our great (* 400) grandparents wore, also means that we are more alike than first thought.

They were *not* dressed in skins, hacking their way up the forested rivers of Europe.

Our great (* 400) grandparents, are in fact: more civilized than first thought.

And like it or not, we actually come from that greedy breeding stock.

10.) So in Conclusion.

We were dressed in clothing during our long journey out from Rome, our great (* 400) grandparents were as modern as you or I. They hunted, cut trees down by setting fire to them, and then let them rot: breaking bits off when we needed, and also tilled the earth using digging sticks.

We were very productive, using nothing more than our wits, and tricks taught to us by our parents.

With those simple life hacks, held under our tight leather belts that are holding our warm robes closed: we raised even bigger family units, and by using the rhythm method, we slowly colonized this vast area of Europe, but a generation at a time.

** And we did it: very, very slowly indeed.

We bred our way up through the woods and dense forests following the great rivers, and then round the coast line of a warm Super European Continent. The Egyptian line went in the other directions.

But for both cultures in all that warm temperate time.
Life was very good!
Life was very easy!
And new life became very cheap, in both camps.

Our growing burgeoning families, three thousand years later; slowly made their way back down either sides of Briton, but things were happening behind us. The world was changing, (again!)

What we can draw from the facts presented, is that about 5,000 years ago; the world began cooling rapidly: it also got much wetter.

And from the perspective of the residents, all crowded round these shores of the Dogger-Island, the sea level began to rise: dramatically, and did it as the bouncing wobble increased.

11.) Putting it all together.

In the North of England on the West Coast, is where we found those buried stones, and they actually tell us much more than we might think. Some of them have three sides, but a lot have six sides to a crafted stone.

Here is that example again.

I reckon, through logical reasoning; that they indicate the six seasons of the farming year, or even three at a basic level.

1.) The cold time to break up the ground and kill off the pests, — Second Winter.
2.) Water time to prepare it, — Spring.
3.) The Seeding time, — Late Spring.
4.) The growing time, — Summer.
5.) The Reaping and Harvest time, — Autumn.
6.) Re-digging and Preparing, — First Winter.

And again, the next season begins.

Six sided stones. Buried in the ground, in the dirt; in that magical place that grows plants that feeds the family. I assess, that the stones were in actual fact — prayers buried in the ground. Placed there to appease the demons that lived down there, and with whom favours are needed to be sort. Because it was from the ground that the weather comes from.

You can prove this weather phenomenon for yourself. Just look at horizon: the weather actually comes up from the ground, but out there on the far far horizon, .. where the world ends, dur!

12.) Seeing it happen.

All of the above only makes sense, if you actually ditch your preconceived ideas on what civilization is all about.

** And that includes how you view the weather.

You might know that the weather in general comes from the sun, working on the higher atmosphere and evaporating the surface of the sea to produce rain, but our primitive great grandfather wouldn’t.

All (he she) knew, was that the world went on to the far horizon, and the sun replaced the night.

** Then your farm got slowly darker for six months, and then got brighter and warmer for the other six.

You can prove this fact yourself: by placing a large piece of tall wood in the ground, or even better, a stone, (it doesn’t rot), and what you do next: is simply mark the shadow at dawn each day, even on a cloudy day, the position of the shadow changes, but that would take a great deal of time to monitor it: so you pay someone else to watch it for you.

That basic information is all you need to know to grow crops at a specific time of the year, and then when to harvest and store them for the cold times.

Unfortunately, your watcher has ideas above his station, and so the Druid Earth Based Faith was established, but you can ignore the cult of nutters.

Your son, several years later says, “There’s something you should never do Dad, and that is you should never go down into the ground: where the demons live, cos’ the Druids say it’s a bad thing, and they should know, cos’ they now watch the sky for everyone, ..
Praise be the Earth Mothers.”

You don’t quite know how this has happened, because you know how the weather works.

13.) Look up.

The stone circle built right onto the cliff edge on Aran: has in itself, raised some interesting speculation, and it wasn’t a tsunami shelter as some suggested. Nor are any of them hillforts for defence, as has been pointed out in several leading articles on the matter.

Many of the locations weren’t defensible at all, so I put it to you, that they were Druid Cathedrals.

The population, no matter where they were; looked up and saw the immerse earth works of the Druids, (called *hillforts* in our primitive vernacular), and if they could do all that: then these Druids must know what they are doing.

** And they obviously know how the weather works as well: because they call out the seasons so well.

14.) Look out.

As previously stated, the world was changing around the Farmers and Druids alike. The seas were rising, the climate was getting cooler, and it was getting more tempestuous.

Lets again, go back to the simple, but highly decorated stone balls.

The population were now fixed in place, and suffering from failing harvests.

The stones were put there, because the weather, and the seasons were changing around the Neolithic farmers: it was getting colder, and the seas were invading the Northern Savannahs, the North Sea was developing and growing fast.

** We now know, that the land was sinking on a downward wobble, but the ignorant farmers didn’t know that. All they saw was the sea water getting higher and higher every year.

I theorize, that those stones, were indeed actual fact prayers to stop it happening, and they were also used to ask the gods below for a blessing on their harvest. The stone balls, (that they bought from the Druid Priests), were then buried as tributes, or offerings to the demons and demigods that they believed lived under-ground.

A place where you never went, not without religious rituals of blessings of the Druids being in place first.

** It’s an important distinction, and here’s an interesting fact to support that supposition.

In all this time, no one has ever been found buried in the ground: no graves, (as we think of them), have been discovered for this period.

The bodies at the time, were vanished, and only the bones were stored. It was almost like they were afraid to be buried, (with the demons?) And having your ashes scattered on the high Druid Cathedrals, that over looked your farm and growing family was a much nicer concept.

Fact: a lot of ash, from BBQs? – Have been found in these, (ho-ho) *hillforts*.

Now, all of the (snow-flake) archaeologists, think that everyone went up there on public Druid holidays, to obviously celebrate some upper god or other, and perhaps even sacrifice some thing to one of them: which is complete piffle and balderdash to my way of thinking.

The Argument Now Coalesced.

Here is what we know to date.

The climate was much warmer, the Outer Hebrides was easier to get to than the South Coast, but it was eventually colonised.

** Then there’s that carbon ash found in the many hundreds of hillforts.

From all that above, I now propose that it was indeed from the cremated remains of the bodies of loved ones finally laid to rest in the Druid Cathedrals, and being given their rightful place in the world, whereby they then overlooked their beloved land in life after death.

We also know that the Druid belief structure held fast for thousands of years, (it is compelling), and it didn’t involve burying bodies in the ground.

But before all that happened however, we have to go back to the Outer Hebrides: which was a vast area that had lots of arable land all around it, the Ness of Brodgar would also require a (vast) human population to maintain it.

** So logically, that population would be there, in their burgeoning tens of thousands.

Where the Temple Complex in the Ness of Brodgar was concerned, the faith stepped up a notch in its dominance, and the place was in actual fact:-

A Druid Rendering Plant.

The entire complex, with its in built fire pits: was created and maintained for excarnation of the dead, and in that place: the Druid Priests took apart the deceased, and then burned the remains: to then have their blessed holy ashes scattered across the land of their birth, but the bones were kept in religious reverence.

Hence the reverence our primitive great (*400) grandparents held for the place, and then after a massive party, involving 600 cows: everyone who wanted to, then emigrated to the warmer climes in the middle of Briton.

Then on the (vast) cleared warm Wiltshire plains, that faith structure of love for the beloved land continued, and it held firm in the UK for over three thousand years: with yet more, (Hill-Forts), read that as Druid Cathedrals being built everywhere.

And they were, they really are everywhere.

And the faith stayed strong for generations upon long burgeoning generations.

Until, that is: Julius Caesar took on, and then wiped out the Druids in 43 AD.

And after that, the Earth Faith faded into history, much like the reasons that they originally used the Ness of Broader for.

If you look at all of the connected dots assembled, then it (all) begins to make sense.

The Costly Argument Now Moves On.

Here be <- some -> Dragons, big green scaly buggers at that.

1.) On the look out.

It’s known, (from basic records of the wealth of the Druids.) That some sort of local tithe payment was made to them, these facts are recorded by Julius Caesar himself: before he turned on them. It seems that the Locals paid the Druids to keep their loved ones close, but he couldn’t explain that strange Briton arrangement.

** I propose, based on what’s’ been declared and observed.

That the dying Britons, wished for their bodies to remain within the family, and the land that they loved.

In doing that, they will stay forever near their tribe and family.

I also propose that the great round and straight curses found on these sites: were in actual fact, the spoil tips for the rendered bodies, and only their bones were kept in vast stone halls called cairns.

These collections and increasing mounds, along with the burgeoning hilltop Cathedrals, (and not hill-forts.) It alone all, simply added to the belief of the living: who then saw their dead family members living on with them.

** It’s a nice above earthy belief structure, that’s also self-fulfilling.

2.) Room with a view.

From the very dawn of time! Death is a known fact, we all know it will happen to all of us.

** Including you my dear reader, you will die, as will I: when my time comes.

If you consider this for too long, then you will lose your mind. We have a belief structure in place to calm our minds on the inevitable, and it’s called heaven. Primitive man knew this fact of their imminent death as well, and like us; must have had a alternative belief structure in place.

From what I’ve read on the subject, thus far: then I assess that the primitive Druid logic goes like this:-

Your spirit, (that thing that you are), must be released from your flesh, and only when that finally happens, can your body and spirit be free to reside in the land, and your tribe, and family forever.

** Meaning, that you never actually died at all, and it’s basically heaven on Earth, and not in it.

Only powerful Leaders, Warriors, or High Priests were interned inside raised Mounds, and they were always built *above* the ground, but their bodies were never placed in there.

Usually, they were also rendered, as no bones were ever found in these raised tumulus, only their weapons tools and bowls in life were found, but the memory of the nobility remined: these tumuli were Neolithic tombstones.

And if a body is ever found in one, then like the Mediterranean Archer, it was deformed.

I propose that the ashes of the Great Leaders, were then rested on top of the tumuli, in or near the village, and being there: they also watched over the tribe.

Whilst the tribe also watched over them.

The members of the village-tribe benefited from the knowledge of their dead leaders, and family members being amongst them. It also gave the citizens of Briton the impetus Law to protect their ancestral home and village, at any cost.

From the established facts of never finding the Neolithic dead buried in the ground. I then theorize that they believed the deep dirt, was where the Demons lived, and no one ever went there.

All except Miners, who were a breed apart.

3.) Welcome to the (Dark Side.)

The only Neolithic people ever found buried in the ground: were the disabled. We don’t like to admit this fact, but it’s only deformed bodies that have ever been unearthed in Mizzens, (rubbish pits), and deep dried up wells, that were also used as rubbish holes, and I personally think that that was done to stop the Demons from crawling up from hell and escaping.

Also, these unusual burial sites, were all found within the village boundaries.

Back-Filling: here’s another link to the BBC web site about that deformed girl called Bourton Betty, and if you remember, she was found buried on top of one such rubbish pit, but it was reported that she was probably sacrificed, ..

(Big Yawn!)

That other one, was supposed to be a Warrior Queen.

(Another Bigger Yawn!)

This woman, if you remember: was interred right under a second hand chariot, facing down, and also had an expensive covered mirror clutched left at her feet.

And keep in mind, that they were both found buried *under* the ground.

I propose that their job in the (After Life), with their deformed features acting as a Neolithic superpower: was to face down the rising Demons from the underground realms, and I can practically guarantee, that they all knew their fate whilst still drawing breath, because they were all treated like revered persons when alive.

The condition of their teeth, proved that they had a very easy lifestyle indeed.

Let’s just consider that metal mirror found under the chariot, and remember: it was wrapped inside an animal skin.

It’s a very strange place to find a very valuable object like that.

Demon logic, .. no hellish creature would willingly gaze upon the face of a human Gargoyle, that action would bind them to it, but seeing a valuable item left at their feet: they would be tempted to steal it for themselves, as hellish creatures often do, (obviously!)

I’d say here, that at the Warrior Queen’s funeral: her dead deformed and contorted face was captured in the mirrors surface, then the artifact was wrapped inside that skin and left innocently at her feet.

If I didn’t know any better: then I’d say that it was a clever ploy that would catch out the hideous spectre, and then contain it between worlds when the evil creature takes a quick peek into the mirror.

Because being locked like that would not only hold the Demon, but also block the route for any other hellish entity that wanted to use that pathway to get out into the world of men.

** It’s a very good demon trap.

The above Demon logic, is just a good bit of fanciful writing on my part.

My assumption, is that both of the people being reported on, and buried in the ground; were in actual fact, glorified good luck charms for the tribe, but being born disfigured; they had a defined function in life.

** And I’ll further assess, that (the Neolithic Charms) willingly did it.

After all: they (all) had deformed superpowers that obviously killed demons, stone dead.

4.) During their brief lives, the charms were true (Living Gargoyles.)

** A gargoyle is something that even we can’t pin down, they are on every church and holy place, but no one really knows why!

Within the tribe and village, the deformed did a proper job of keeping the demons and evil spirits at bay. These lucky charms also knew that when they died, that they would block access to the underworld with their deformed bodies.

** I’ll also assess, that they lived in peace in a harsh world, and were very happy: because three squares a day will do that.

Capturing a deformed one from another tribe was a great trophy: who could then be used whenever the villagers wanted.

That’s just a nasty writer’s thought.

5.) From (Lucky Charms) to (the Condemned.)

In the North of England, on the East Coast, is where I want to look, and at one death the eminent archaeologists found in a cave in Ryedale.

Here’s the link, ..

BTW – I originally wrote this piece way back in 2014, and in the process of tidying it up in 2021, have discovered that the old link didn’t work, the new one is here:-
http: // www. prehistory. yas. org. uk / content / windypits.html, ..

It appears that that the university website has closed. Humm!

Nevertheless, this one repeats the story almost verbatim, and it’s the article on the dead girl that interested me the most, and of course: it’s supposed that she was sacrificed to the gods.


Only we alone believe in the one true God that we cannot see.

I’d say, based on what I’ve worked out from that elegant well crafted stone, (and others), is that the ancients; passionately believed in the gods they could really see and touch.

Especially the Demons they could feel and observe below them, and you’ll see them as well; if you stand in total blackness underground, or even in a lonely dank wet moor in the dark, with thick clinging mists swirling all around you: then you’ll actually feel their cold wet embrace.

** And after that, you won’t question whether they exist or not.

The popular question is, did our grandparents actually prey to the spirits of the grass, in the woods etc .. that’s a tough one, but I personally think that they did, and it’s purely based on their need for the bribe factor that they went in for, especially when burying the tithe stones bought off of the Druids for good luck.

Logic: can’t hurt!

And I actually think, that that was the full extent of it.

Because originally, they were the users of the plentiful world that they lived in, and not glorified (snow-flakes), but all that changed when the climate did as well.

From there on in, everything was fair game: including praying to the Demons.

From really studying the elegantly crafted stones, then I can tell you with some certainty, that the Neolithic peoples also believed passionately in the living growing seasons, all six of them.

** And if that’s not a lucky number, then I don’t know what is.

Now: if you accept my stones theory for good luck and a quick bribe, then it’s logical: that they also prayed to all of the spirits for that same luck, and if we agree: that the lower realms in the ground was a place to be avoided, because no one healthy has ever been buried there.

Then the dead bodies found in the caves of Ryedale raise some serious questions.

Trouble is, it wasn’t only one person they found murdered like that: because, lots of other complete bodies have been discovered in this deep cave as well.

The most brutal ones that have been found to date, are the Bog-Bodies and they have been dug up — all over!

The victims (all) had vicious, unnecessary wounds being inflicted on the person being killed.

  • Most were strangled, ..
  • [And or,] beaten about the head.
  • [And or,] had their legs broken.
  • [And or,] had their throats cut as well.
  • [And or,] were poisoned for good measure.

They weren’t just killed, they had the modern equivalent of being Hung, Drawn and Quartered.

They were basically given, *all deaths*, and all at once.

And, the victims were all killed: well away from the local settlements.

Then casually dumped and left in the dirt.

6.) The Execution.

Based on the concept of the underground, and lonely wet dark places of the deep being a place of hell. Then I have to say that the condemned were murdered, then forced to live with the demons, and with their corrupt bodies intact and complete.

They were not only violently and horribly killed in this life.

But physically thrown into hell as well.

And as such, condemned to a living death.

I suppose, because of the magnitude of the apparent crime: that their cruel *deaths* would have been witnessed by the entire village.

But, one does wonder if it was mandatory or not.

And, this is the point at which the lazy archaeologist steps in with his, or her own personal view, or even slant on the subject: publicly declaring that the heinous death was some sort of primitive sacrifice, and obviously to the pagan gods above, by throwing them in the ground?

I will not speculate, as I haven’t even got enough to make a blank assumption on the wiliness of the attendees, but I will assume that it was indeed witnessed.

7.) The great crimes against humanity.

Even though we don’t know what happened at the public, or private Neolithic executions, we can explore what sort of crime would attract that sort of primitive barbaric death sentence, and we can do it – with what little we’ve learned to date.

Just like with the Saxons: it wouldn’t be automatically metered out for murder, as crass as that statement makes us civilised peoples feel.

Humm! – There is one such situation which springs to mind, where a man might be executed outright.

And that’s if (he) killed the lawful husband of a wife he was messing about with, but I reckon that his death would be clean and quick, with his body being rendered.

The other laws are not so just:-

For example, ..

A man who kills another for raping his daughter: would be hailed as a hero.
A man who takes revenge on his step brother for killing his sister, would be considered a man of worth.
A man who kills his wife for adultery, wouldn’t be condemned. Her death, would be considered a justified killing.

I still can’t envisage a woman getting away with any of it, and I personally think that she would find herself in some sort of slave bondage arrangement.

Living out her miserable existence with her slave children in tow, but I might be wrong, (not!) it is after all, a man’s world if you note.

Blood feuds went on for years, without any re-course from the authorities, and all of these above examples, are well documented in the Saxon books of Werman law, which is often referred to as the Germanic Barbarian law.

In some countries, even now: blood feuds continue unabated, and attract next to no retaliation from the lawful authorities.

Fact: most peoples and cultures successfully police themselves.

So I have to ask: just what sort of criminal act would attract the attention of the Druids? – To then meter out that sort of harsh death and damnation punishment on an individual, (male or female: seems it made no difference.)

8.) Religion Rules, and a (Grounding) for a green dragon.

Based on my logical supposition, that the ground is where Demons live, and it provides you and your family food, and not forgetting that the weather comes up from it, with good luck and protection also residing inside the deformed, who also protect the village from the damned in the ground.

Then it follows, that if you were caught breaking, ..
A Ground Rule.
Then you could be condemned to, ..
*All Deaths*.

Re-appraising the stones in the ground for good-luck, shows a major part in the Neolithic thinking. So taking it further: perhaps such a crime would be selling one of the deformed to another tribe.

The crime would be (Religious Theft.)

Maybe it was also thought, that an ancestors bone, (or two), would bring your house, (or you), or your ground: some good luck with the harvest, and the only place you could get them, was from the securely locked and **guarded Stone Barrows.

** Confirmed by the turn-coat Julius Caesar in his limited writings on the subject.

In them, as he sped on the Druids: he mentioned that the Religious Cult guarded the Barrows with a dedicated determination, and wondered what sort of treasure they contained. He was royally miffed when he eventually found out that they only contained hundreds of human bones.

** So the heinous crime in this case, was (Grave Robbing.)

I propose, that both of the concocted dragon crimes (could be) punishable by *All Deaths*,  and that involved the bodily expulsion from the world of the living, and also the Earth Tribe were you were born into.

** And that was the price you paid, if you ever got caught.

Thinking more on the subject: I just bet that that part of the Ground Law was explained, and in-depth to all the wide eyed children.

Yet, it appears that still some paid with their lives for these possible crimes, but the harsh logic of Ground Crimes is compelling, and I feel that the Druids would have no truck with someone stealing their prized ancestral bones.

** So the proposed crime here, would be selling the (lucky Ground Rules) on the open market.

Now, if you got away with it: then you’d be set up for life, but if you didn’t, then you’d lose everything.

Absolutely, — Everything!

9.) Our Church, their church: no capital difference.

If you accept the Druids, and their living faith structure, controlled the masses, done with the truth of the (After Life Above), but here on the earth among the living: then its logical to assume that they then charged the bereaved families for rendering the dead, to perpetuate the faith.

It was a powerful, living, belief structure.

It was permanently on display on the hills and high sculptured ridges of the ancient Neolithic world.

No matter were you go in Britain, you will see a hillfort, or an even bigger set of raised stones somewhere, they really are all over.

I also predict the Druids controlled the warring Clans, and they ruled the Rulers: by controlling the population with the belief of life ever after, but here on earth. The resulting British Isles belief structure, bound its population into a highly balanced, Utopian society: that the Romans simply could *not* absorb.

The Ancient Britons were a cohesive, but superstitious peoples: that’s a quote from good old Julius Caesar himself.

Accepting that statement, might explain why those stones were found buried in the ground. It might also go some way to suggest a reason why the Ness of Brodgar was dismantled, and not simply abandoned.

A project of that scale, would have required a massive amount of social cooperation. As would building the great Henges, I propose, that after the site was physically dismantled; the entire population then moved South to the warmer climes of the south of England, and so the great Salisbury Plain was colonized.

Such a massive migration, could only have been overseen by the Druids. Thinking it through, they couldn’t move the cattle, (they are wealth in any society), but they still slaughtered all them, then had a good-bye Barbie on the beach for the Ancients who were looking on.

** And I just bet that some of the families began questioning their faith at that point, but after that religious shindig, they all simply moved on.

The Final Frontier.

This is all speculation, as nothing of those Celtic / Druid Myths now remains.

All that can be found now, is partial stories of some Irish Kings, their wayward Daughters, and not forgetting the Mighty Warriors who were aided by Magic Druids fighting Green Dragons.

It also seems from my research: that the Arthurian Legends, actually come from Ireland as well.

Those shallow Irish tales, is all that’s been passed down for over 4,000 years of history. The reason we lost it, is because all such histories were kept orally within the closed Druid circles.

The Druid’s clans, were then decimated when the Romans invaded Britain in 43 AD, because from that point on, the true Druid oral faith collapsed, and it really did die.

** It really does make me wonder what would have happened, if the Druids had actually wrote their stuff down, but, unfortunately: they didn’t.

All that remains today, is a (bad) shadowy copy of Christianity Druidism: that was itself recreated in the late 1800’s by the wild sexually repressed Victorians, who swore blind that the orgies were a part of the religion.

Shame really.

10.) Finishing off.

If you accept my Thesis: then it now all makes more sense, especially when you consider the resistance that the Ancient Britons – (the Celts), – actually put up against the invading Romans, with that turn-coat Caesar leading them.

That was the time, when the Druid’s own great, great, great, great grandfathers — invaded a small Island Nation called Briton, and that small Island was an annoying barbaric Nation that refused to bow down to the Great Pagan Empire of Rome.

** With its own myriad of named gods: one of whom was in charge of making sure that boot laces didn’t come undone.

During the battles, and resistance wars fought after the main invasion: the Celts, and Druids, weren’t just defending their beloved land, but their deeply held living belief structure as well, and also the burial sites of their beloved ancestors.

It’s no wonder that they put up such a good fight, fact!


Based on the above visualisations, then it’s not that had to understand why the British, (are even now), an Island Nation with a closed in-view to outsiders coming here.

It’s what being Irish is all about.


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


Comments are open, and BTW: All you jolly foreigners out there, who’ve managed to get to the bottom of this tall-tail, and are now asking yourself – “Well, wots dis shit got to do with me? I ain’t British!” – Then I’ll tell you.

We are discussing your own descendants in this article as well, and no matter which way the hungry originals went from Italy! – Your great (*400) grandmothers breeding bloodline is also in here somewhere, you’re a miserable breeder: just like the rest of us, and just as greedy!

It’s in our genes!
– We are the blood soaked saviours!
Sweet dreams time-Warrior.

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January 2025


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