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the Emerald Scrolls

Article created:- May 21, 2021 8:05 pm
Last modified:-

Written by:- MJS

The old Scrolls that are opened up for scrutiny here, are the buried bastardised writings that dealt exclusively with our own intimate dealings concerning the very many strange foreigners, that we inevitably came across in far off lands, but even I can’t believe what we (allegedly — apparently) got up to in those far away days.

It should also be noted that these extensive emerald writings, simply record a quadrillionth of a tiny micro-millisecond of timely local activity. Localised activity that occurred inside one very small and very tiny insignificant grain of cold dying matter, but it’s your own cherished past that’s being openly discussed here: far away or not.

Also keep in mind when, (and if), you illegally peruse the running outline of the illicit (Red Sea Scrolls) in your prayers tonight; that the information contained in them, was actually found and compiled by another researcher in deep antiquity, who also didn’t put their name to the works either; they did however publish them, but anonymously because of the explosive content. Proof that they’ve been put into published print comes from the fact that the material bowel tumbler bindings have been found in the covers, which means that the original researcher knew what they were doing: though their revenue streams would have dried up years ago, especially with the master reference scrolls being buried where they eventually ended up, ..

As an author myself; I have paid my research fee to use this material, but I very much doubt that it’ll ever reach the unknown researcher’s pockets, but you never know: because some authors go on forever, when they should have retired years hence.

This writer also takes solace in the fact that once anything is in published print, then at least the valuable documents can never go out of circulation either. I also shudder at the thought of the loss of this piece of key information; it would be disastrous to every race living in the local cluster, so as a result, .. I’m eternally grateful to the working libraries everywhere, that will enable these words to remain intact for all eternity.

Author’s note: – You can’t delete the written word, not once it’s been assigned with a fully accredited official bowel tumbler binding in the sheets that actually make up the book or scroll. It’s this chemical binding that is freely applied to every piece of worded art; both in hard copy and (rtf) data format. The marking happens to all written works that have all been donated free of any monetary remuneration to the Anunnaki Central Library; whereby that esteemed institution automatically assigns the presented wordy construct with the ubiquitous bowel tumbler, bound chemical bindings that adheres to the pages sheets and covers that make up the book or scroll in question. A printed bound format that is a universally unique standard book number; comprising of sequenced letters and sequential numerals, or a USBN tag for short. It also means that the criminal act of burning books becomes a rather useless moot point, as you can simply print yourself another one (on-line) in hard copy and or data format. A functional inalienable right that’s found throughout the local cluster, and from what I’ve heard on the grapevine; USBNs have even been extended beyond that restrictive border as well. This really is the golden age of books and scrolls. Ordering books on-line is also something that I’d loved to have had operating during WWII: poxy book burning Nazis.

The newly discovered red and emerald sets have been found to have a very old USBN identifier stuffed into their bindings. The originator of which were eventually discovered to have been issued by the old Alexandria Grand Library. Whose main claim to fame back then, was a high definition set of icon-o-graphic art works, that became undeniable proof to all visiting pilgrims; that (The One True God) really did once use its public facilities there long ago. So as a result; the pilgrims used to call it the Almighty’s Heavenly repose, but time waits for no man: nor a god, and the dilapidated old building was eventually demolished to make way for a new hyper space warehouse, much to the dismay of many pilgrims wanting to go.

One other thing that no one has been able to figure out, was that the red USBN identifier, was out of sync with the original emerald tome, and yet that one was originally registered and printed at the same time.

It’s almost like there was another collection of books compiled to go in the middle of the red and emerald series, but it could also have been as simple as someone else barging in and jumping the queue, to then have their own book done quicker, with the anonymous author graciously stepping aside.

Apart from that weird curiosity, .. then it’s my (assumption) that the damning red scrolls, as well as the lesser harmful emerald ones; were both (allowed) to (purposefully) fall into disrepair, and they they were then (purposely) buried in the deepest shittiest library storage hole that (they) could find at the time.

With the (they) in this case being the (obviously) complicit librarians of the old Alexandria Library, combined with the (obviously) dictatorial authorities; who were (obviously) overseeing, and then forcefully directing the (obviously) fearful librarians. Because (obviously) there must have been real nasty coercion going on here, as no true honest librarian would ever (obviously) bury a book like this; no matter what was held between its sheets. (It’s obvious.)

But the pair of them are out now, and are both open for inspection.

There is some unofficial chatter coming out of the archaeological latrine dig, ..
{gossip and chatter that I’m inclined to believe.}

The uncorroborated excited talk is in regards to finding a complete set of old blue shady scrolls, they are in an even older language that the Learn’ed Scribes were struggling with, but apparently not anymore: because word is that they’ve cracked it, and in only a year. The location of the tomes are of interest, because it seems that they have have been found buried deep under the ubiquitous ‘S’ bend, but directly behind the file-end ‘P’ traps.

** These PS scrolls (apparently), put the other two recently discovered tomes to shame; especially with what they bring to the extended table, and extra especially so where the history of the superior upper quantum realms are concerned.

Which is why I suppose that the higher beings were desperately trying to close down the multifaceted data dig, and at the same time bury the news of the newly emerging blue documents, but even the demimonde themselves can stifle a data mining operation that spans a dozen or so sites, with backup carbon-copy multi seams spanning the cosmos.

Deep mines that are being mined by very many freelance data-miners, amateur Archaeologists; who I’m told, have found themselves all under a sustained financial attack. Collectively, their response was to immediately publish the newly discovered raw scrolls out into the public domain.

Once out there they were literally taken apart by so many competing groups in the public forums, all intent on cracking the language barrier code, (and they did), the high-realm-language was deciphered extremely quickly by the unwashed faceless masses, and true to form; they’ve even been named the books as the (Blue Piss Scrolls.)

Copies of which have now appeared written in both Common, and also (High Enochian), making them the new Rosetta Stone of the age.

What it means, is that the archaeological establishments can finally get a common reading off of that awful arcane language, and this alone was the basis of the excited {chatter} that’s drawn everyone’s attention.

Early indications indicate that the new highly detailed scrolls, actually explain the mysterious origins of the Q Consortium themselves. Secretly though, everyone in the know; is now wondering if what’s been interpreted, will actually hold up in court, because that’s where it’s headed next.

Whatever the outcome in the courts, what can’t be denied; is that the written works are printed and bound legal documents, that are also complete with verified bowel tumbler USBN tags, making them permanent works of art: that apparently show the elegant successful traders working busily away up there, in a very different light indeed, working originally in a very unsuccessful (lighting-array), that apparently isn’t very flattering at all.

{BTW: It’s also been noted that the USBNs between the sets still isn’t complete, which means that there are yet more scrolls up the pipe to find.}

2nd Update:-
After exclusively taking the {Piss Scrolls} to heart with a common soul reader, then what I have read: would be like shepherding moving shadows at an all night rave, but having no objects casting them. In the moving background, you’re in a nightclub being as large as the expanding void itself, and with the Q also saying that they’ve got it all in hand, (and are firmly in charge), so please move along, as there’s nothing to see here.

I think that you had to be there, ..
To then see the {here} that’s being alluded too {there}, but whatever it actually represents; has really pissed off the mighty slick Q Consortium somewhat.

There’s a great deal to see in {there}, and this blue tome really needs two or three soul readings to figure out where you are in the spiraling evolving plot line, .. that’s a brilliant enthralling read btw, it’s just like going to an exciting exhilarating all-night rave, but reading.

Where the {Emerald Scrolls} are concerned though, .. all you have to do to take it all in and accept it for what its worth, and one of these noble worths to fully accept; is actually getting passed your own bias preconceptions on what *Being a Human Being* is all about. You really do have to honestly accept what the tiny walking animals called hoomans are in the grand scheme of doggie things, ..

Allahu Akbar! – (Ka-Hack-Ba?
– Like the sheep?) – Hummmmmmm!


Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.


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