[ My Inglorious Listings ]

Root out BaseZap

Article created:- January 11, 2021 11:51 pm
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

[ MJS ] is accredited as the author.
It is cataloged in [ News, Reviews ]

I’ve got to say here, that this new hosting provider dat’ I be’ done and found me’self out-dare in dee’ wilds, ain’t arf’ be’ not bad to deal wid, .. (follow that?) Now, all I wanted to do is just test my new grid based Theme (on-line), and as such; all I really needed was a cheap hosting platform to run it at Internet speeds, as opposed to Local development speeds. I didn’t approach TSCHOST over this trifling issue of speed, (who are my current hosing provider), mainly because they […]

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Covid-19 Time Line

Article created:- January 4, 2021 12:00 pm
Last modified:- August 31, 2021 4:00 pm

[ MJS ] is accredited as the author.
It is cataloged in [ News ]

We believe, here is where it all begins .. and I simply can’t believe that we’re all in Lockdown, (yet again!) 2019: The pandemic officially started on Dec 30th, with the Wuhan health authorities informing hospitals about an unusual kind of pneumonia, that appears linked to a local seafood market, – (we believe!) 2019: Dec 31st, Wuhan health authorities issue a statement about 27 cases of “unknown pneumonia.” The WHO country office spots the statement and seeks more information, – (we believe!) 2020: Jan 4th, the WHO issues its first […]

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December in Paradise

Article created:- December 6, 2020 3:37 pm
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

[ MJS ] is accredited as the author.
It is cataloged in [ News ]

Well this is fun, .. Not! Lockdowns finished in the UK, praise be lockdown version two, with all the shops now open, but now also socially restricted in the form of three wonderful tiers, all cried tearfully by those poor souls effected by the afflicted. For the last month (November), we’ve been firmly ensconced indoors, no pub: no café, no frivolous shopping, and a course: the limited exercise that you were allowed to undertake, and that’s regardless of what the authorities had to say on the matter. Unnecessary travelling was […]

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Yet more Old Compute...

Article created:- November 8, 2020 12:23 pm
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

[ MJS ] is accredited as the author.
It is cataloged in [ News ]

PC mode sees me buying (yet) another blooming computer, .. (yet) again. Last years purchase of the second hand HP kept overheating, especially with all the added software that I was loading onto it. ** Mainly a program called Local, that gives you a blindingly fast local environment for you website development, but funk me does it ever hammer the memory and processors. The (new-old) computer that I’ve purchased is a revamped Toshiba from an online company called the cheaplaptopcompany, and their caring customer service so flippin good; that I […]

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Big Mx

Article created:- September 19, 2020 12:10 pm
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

[ MJS ] is accredited as the author.
It is cataloged in [ News ]

The offensive term Big Brother — is dead, — Long live the new positively enforced, and also the most noble political-correct term of – Big Sister! Except, (Err No!) – Cos dee’ bitchy bitches will object to being objectified as (big), thusly being exclusively sexualized by, (the male gaze), and all. So – Seig-Heil – Big Mx! Something else we can heil is the (male gaze), which is all well and good –> when you want a leg up, but once up on the saddle, with your legs wide apart: […]

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February 2025


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